Gaming Guides

dungeons mountaintops of the giants elden ring featured image

Mountaintops of the Giants Dungeons – Elden Ring

In the list below, you can find walkthroughs for various dungeons in the Mountaintops of the Giants. If you’re looking for a walkthrough of the Mountaintops of the Giants, head here. Mountaintops of the Giants Dungeons Giants’ Mountaintop Catacombs Spiritcaller…

mt gelmir bosses featured image elden ring

Mt. Gelmir Boss Guides – Elden Ring

Mt. Gelmir, a treacherous volcanic region scarred by lava flows and twisted by madness, is one of the most hostile areas in Elden Ring. Its bosses are brutal and unrelenting, from grotesque abominations to battle-hardened warriors guarding the path to…

mt gelmir dungeons featured image elden ring

Mt. Gelmir Dungeon Walkthroughs – Elden Ring

In the list below, you can find walkthroughs for various dungeons on Mt. Gelmir. If you’re looking for a walkthrough of Mt. Gelmir, head here. Mt. Gelmir Dungeons Seethewater Cave Gelmir Hero’s Grave Volcano Cave

volcano cave featured image elden ring

Volcano Cave Dungeon Walkthrough – Elden Ring

This short dungeon found in Mt. Gelmir is filled with mostly weak demi-humans, and a couple interesting items. Unique Rewards: Coil Shield Jar Cannon Once you’ve grabbed the site of grace, start going through the dungeon and you will very…

gelmir hero's grave featured image elden ring

Gelmir Hero’s Grave Dungeon Walkthrough – Elden Ring

Another dungeon featuring your favorite dungeon contraption: the chariot. Unique Rewards: Ringed Finger Bloodhound Knight Floh (boss loot) Deathroot (in a chest found in the boss room) Mantis Blade Bloodhound Knight Set Gelmir Knight Set As always, remember to grab…