Gaming Guides

ladies of the wood

Ladies Of The Wood – The Witcher 3

Follow the quest marker to reach a wooden shrine, then examine it. From the shrine follow the path leading deeper into the swamp until you come across a clump of buildings. Head towards the middle of the area and a…

Geralt in the Whispering Hillock Quest in The Witcher 3

The Whispering Hillock – The Witcher 3

In order to find more information about Ciri, you have been sent to Downwarren to perform a task for the Crones of Crookback Bog. After speaking to the ealdorman head to the southeast towards the Whispering Hillock. Proceed to the…

icarus flatline research mission walkthrough armored bloodclaw spear thrust

FLATLINE: Research Mission Walkthrough — ICARUS

The Styx mission FLATLINE is a unique combination of the recovery elements of FORSAKEN and the hunting tasks in AGRICULTURE: Supply Stockpile. The twist is that the stockpile task has a short timer that constantly resets. It only stops when…

icarus vertigo expedition mission walkthrough second cave wall prototype laser overheating

VERTIGO: Expedition Mission Walkthrough — ICARUS

As you might expect, VERTIGO has some climbing, but it is nothing like the WATERFALL expedition. VERTIGO begins with radar scans like the OMPHALOS expedition, and it continues with a Recovery task like FIELD TEST. However, VERTIGO packs a uniquely…

Geralt in the Wandering in the Dark Quest in The Witcher 3

Wandering in the Dark – The Witcher 3

The hunt for Ciri continues with Keira Metz as you delve into elven ruins together looking for her. Not long after entering the ruins, you will encounter members of the Wild Hunt. In an effort to catch up to them…

icarus nightfall survey mission walkthrough forest base scanner

NIGHTFALL: Survey Mission Walkthrough – ICARUS

This mission unlocks the Olympus Outpost, which allows you to establish outposts anywhere on the 64 sq. km. Olympus map. NIGHTFALL: Survey is also the culmination of your survival, crafting, and building experiences, as it combines Recovery, Delivery, Construction, and…