Raspberries are likely to be the first food you discover in Valheim. You can eat them raw, or use them in advanced recipes.
Raspberries grow on bushes found in the Meadows biome.
Raspberry bushes respawn on their own after 300 minutes.
Raspberries are very common and easy to spot. They’re red berries that grow on bushes all throughout the Meadows biome. As there is no way to farm Raspberries, note where you find them. The bushes respawn on their own after 300 minutes, provided you don’t attack and destroy them.
Raspberries growing in the Meadows
Raw Food
Ingredient in food or crafting recipes
Boar Taming
When consumed raw, Raspberries increase your health by 7, stamina by 20, and regeneration by 1hp/tick for 10 minutes. You can eat Raspberries directly from your inventory by right-clicking them. Their effects can be combined with up to two other food sources, but you can’t eat multiple Raspberries at once.
Initially consumed, Raspberries will provide their full listed effects. As time goes on, these effects will grow weaker, gradually lowering the health and stamina bonuses. Once the timer hits 50% or 5 minutes, the Raspberries icon on your UI will start flashing. At this point you can eat again, refreshing the bonuses.
Cooking & Crafting
Raspberries will likely be the first food you find in Valheim. As expected, their effects are not very strong due to that. However, they can be used in a couple of advanced recipes, so don’t eat them all at once. On top of food, Raspberries are used in multiple Meads and decorations. Check the Recipes section below for a full list of items.
Raspberries can be used to tame boars. This will give you easy access to Boar Meat and Leather Scraps.
In order to tame a boar, start by creating a pen, preferably surrounded by a Roundpole Fence, in a safe location. Find some boars nearby and when they spot you, lead them to the pen. Trap them inside by either closing the pen’s gate or placing the final piece of the fence, then move away so that the boars lose aggro (the red exclamation mark above them disappears).
The next part is a bit tricky. You need to approach the boars so that they notice you (a yellow dot appears above them), but don’t yet become aggressive. When they’re in this state, throw some Raspberries inside the pen. The boars will eat the Raspberries and you’ll see yellow hearts above them. This means they’re in the process of being tamed. In this state, boars can still attack you, so move away from them, but not too far. For the taming process to work, you need to be in the vicinity of the pen and the boars must not be attacking you. It takes 30 minutes to tame a boar. If done right, you’ll need a total of 3 Raspberries to tame a boar. You can also use the Brew of Animal Whispers to double the taming speed.
Once tamed, you can start breeding and farming your boars, provided you have at least two of them.
A boar has spotted youDropping a boar’s aggroA boar is being tamedA boar in a pen with food
Not just raw food, Rapsberries can be used in a number of recipes.
Place a marker on your map to remember particularly rich Raspberry bush locations.
Raspberry bushes respawn after 300 minutes, or just slightly over two in-game weeks.
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Val Hull
Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.