Before you can start making Honey, you need to find a Queen Bee and build a Beehive.
Bees need to be happy to produce honey.
It takes roughly 20 minutes to produce 1 unit of Honey.
A Beehive can hold up to 4 Honey at once.
If you want to get your hands on a steady supply of honey, you will need to set up some Beehives. To do so, you need to find a wild Beehive that usually appear around abandoned buildings in the Meadows biome, destroy it, and grab the Queen Bee inside. Then construct a Beehive by combining Queen Bee with 10 Wood, and place it near your base. This beehive will now continuously produce Honey for you.
For your bees to produce Honey, they need to be happy. This usually means that their Beehives need to just be outside and not too close together. It takes roughly 20 minutes to produce a single unit of Honey, while a Beehive can hold up to 4 at a time.
Happy bees making Honey
Raw Food
Ingredient in Food and Meads
You can eat raw Honey and receive a nice boost to your stamina for the early game. Eaten raw, Honey raises your health by 8, stamina by 35, and health regeneration by 1 hp/tick for 15 minutes. To eat Honey, you can simply right-click on its icon in your inventory. You can eat Honey together with two other food types, but you can’t eat multiple instances of Honey at once.
When you eat Honey, you’ll be granted a buff with its full effects. As time goes on, this buff will grow weaker as your character becomes hungrier. When the buff has 50% of its duration left, or 7.5 minutes, the buff icon will begin to flash and you’ll be able to eat more Honey and refresh its effects.
Cooking & Crafting
Honey is an integral ingredient in a lot of advanced foods and Meads. The Recipes section below lists all of them.
Here are all the recipes that require Honey.
Boar Jerky x2
Boar Meat Honey
Max Health +23 Max Stamina +23 Regeneration +2hp for 30 minutes
Black Soup
Bloodbag Honey Turnip
Max Health +50 Max Stamina +17 Regeneration +3hp for 20 minutes
Serpent Stew
Mushroom Cooked Serpent Meat Honey x2
Max Health +80 Max Stamina +26 Regeneration +4hp for 30 minutes
Wolf Jerky x2
Wolf Meat Honey
Max Health +33 Max Stamina +33 Regeneration +3hp for 30 minutes
Honey Glazed Chicken
Chicken Meat Honey x3 Jotun Puffs x2
Max Health +80 Max Stamina +26 Regeneration +5hp for 30 minutes
Spicy Marmalade
Vineberry Cluster x3 Honey Fiddlehead
Max Health +30 Max Stamina +90 Regeneration +4hp for 25 minutes
Health regeneration -50% Stamina regeneration -100% for 10 seconds
Helpful Tips
To keep your bees happy and producing Honey, place your beehives outside where they can get a lot of sun during the day.
A beehive will fully fill in about 80 minutes, or around 4 in-game days.
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Val Hull
Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.