Skyrim Virtual Reality Is Here

We have seen the future, and it is now…

Skyrim virtual reality is here. In a recent YouTube video by Cyberith, the company demos Skyrim being played on the Virtualizer — a funky piece of motion tracking equipment that would look sweet in my living room. Alas, the Virtualizer isn’t for sale on Amazon or at my local Best Buy just yet, but I imagine it will be sometime soon (just hope it fits in the back of my minivan). According to the Cyberith website, the Virtualizer:

…provides the user with the most immersive experience of virtual worlds possible – in your own private home. The Virtualizer was developed with the objective to optimize the realistic impression of first-person games. It simultaneously unchains the player from his chair and places him right into the action. Using the Virtualizer yields the opportunity to actively participate in the adventures of your favourite character and for the first time not to be stopped by the borders of your screen.

skyrim virtual reality virtualizer
The Cyberith Virtualizer… gaming’s next big thing.

Who hasn’t dreamed of taking Skyrim to the next level? The guy in the video is having a blast, moving around and becoming a part of the Skyrim world. True, his Skyrim virtual reality experience consists mostly of launching arrows at the Whiterun citizenry and City Guards, but he’s having fun doing it, laughing as he literally runs away.

I imagine playing a VR version of Skyrim would be both exhilarating and tiring — Skyrim is a big world after all. I think I’d have to get in good shape before climbing the Seven Thousand Steps to High Hrothgar, but at least I wouldn’t have to worry about developing blood clots from marathon gaming sessions (see the Skyrim Fansite article Can Skyrim Kill You? for more information).

So what do you think? Is Skyrim virtual reality cool, and would you play the game on a Virtualizer? Share your thoughts in the Speak You Mind section below. Until next time!


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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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Liaso Shaderunner
Liaso Shaderunner
11 years ago

Wow man this really looks cool. This will blow away the Wii move ha ha ha lol.
I would definitely buy this if it comes out. That would be the first time in my life (even though I run at least 5km twice a week) that I would actually have fun working out while playing Skyrim or any other game.

Cant wait!

Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough
Reply to  Liaso Shaderunner
11 years ago

Thanks for your comment Liaso 🙂 I’d much rather play Skyrim for exercise than run on the treadmill. If VR becomes a reality, I’m converting my fitness room into a game room.

christian stump
christian stump
11 years ago

make elder scrolls v multiplayer

11 years ago

I could so see this turning into something where you could run with weapons, to exercise, like fight zombies or something as they come at you! That would be awesome!!

Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough
Reply to  Neisa
11 years ago

Hi Neisa,

Thanks for your comment, and I like your idea! My mom always told me not to run with scissors, so I don’t know how she’d feel if I ran with an enchanted sword — she’d probably throw a fit 🙂 Seriously though, the exercise benefits of playing VR games would be amazing, and it’d be great to have fun and stay in shape at the same time. I’d much rather hack and slash zombies in a VR world than spend hours on a treadmill.

10 years ago

definitely want! (just so long as they don’t add electric shocks to signify damage, or make the movement more difficult to actually do when over-encumbered!)… then again… it would just add to the realism… 😀

Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough
Reply to  Eleanor
10 years ago

LOL! Now that would be an immersive game.