Lay Off The Skooma! 3 Stupid Things I Regret Doing in Skyrim

Skyrim ErrorLike most of you, I learned from a young age that life is full of choices. Some choices are good, and some choices are bad. Case in point: once, when I was five years old, I thought it would be a good idea to take a pork chop away from a German Shepherd. I can tell you from first hand experience that this was not a good idea, and I still have the scar to prove it. This is just one example of a bad decision in my life that I now regret, and believe me there are many others (the time I ate the undercooked chicken, the time I bought my brother’s car, the time I dated my boss’s daughter, the time I dated my boss’s other daughter, etc., etc.). In Skyrim, like real life, you have to make choices. Some choices are good, and some choices are bad. For the sake of conversation, here are three bad choices I regret making in Skyrim:

  • Buying a Horse. At the time, buying a horse really seemed like a good idea. I had just escaped my first dragon attack in Helgen Keep and hoofed it all the way to Whiterun. That’s quite a walk, and when I saw the Whiterun stables I just knew I had to have a horse. I chatted up the stable owner and like most of you, balked at the price (1,000 gold for a freaking horse!). Not to be discouraged, I worked my butt off — dungeon diving and questing for hours on end. Gold is really hard to come by in the early stages of Skyrim, and I was like a school kid cutting grass and walking dogs all summer to earn enough money to buy a new bike. Finally, I had enough scratch saved to get my horse. I put my money down and thought I was all set. Sheesh, what a mistake! What I didn’t know at the time was how lame a Skyrim horse is. Not only is the horse slow moving, I learned to my dismay that you can’t fight from the saddle. Heck, you can’t even talk from the saddle. I guess I can accept having to climb off my horse to fight a Frost Spider, but getting off to talk to a group of winos by the roadside getting wasted on mead? Come on, man! I don’t even ride my horse anymore, and wish I could get my 1,000 gold back.
  • Picking a Fight With a Mastadon. The first time I saw a Skyrim mastadon I was in awe. At the time, I had just finished exploring a Dwemer ruin in the far north and was just kicking back in the frozen tundra, wandering around a bit and doing nothing particularly useful. All of a sudden, I see my first mastadon lumbering ever so slowly across the snow. Curious, I walked a little closer, being careful to keep a respectful distance. She was beautiful out there in the snow, a shambling hulk of hair and tusk that literally took my breath away. Then things got ugly. This tranquil moment was spoiled when I started thinking about profit. I assumed that an animal that big must worth its weight in gold, so in a bonehead move that would’ve made PETA shudder, I unslung my bow and started taking potshots at her hairy hide. This as you may guess was an extremely stupid thing to do. My arrows had the unique effect of turning this peaceful creature into a raving lunatic. It eerily reminded me of the time at Thanksgiving when I offhandedly mentioned to my sister that she was looking a little “chunky.” The mastadon (like my sister) went berserk and turned on me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anything that big move so fast (the mastadon — not my sister). Before I could run away screaming, the mastadon went MMA and trampled me to death. It wasn’t pretty, but it was a learning experience. Now when I see a mastadon I just tip my hat politely and stay the heck out of the way.
  • Speaking with Idolaf Battle-Born. Every one has a friend they really don’t like — you know, the poser who’s always hanging around bragging about his car, girlfriend, whatever. Well in Skyrim, Idolaf Battle-Born is that friend. From the moment I met this guy he’s ticked me off. There I was, minding my own business in the Whiterun marketplace when Idolaf saunters over and starts asking me to choose sides between clan Battle-Born and clan Gray-Mane. This guy is real obnoxious and I’m like “Dude, I don’t care.” He keeps pestering me until I finally tell him “Battle-Born” just to get him off my back. Now the guy won’t leave me alone. In his deluded mind we’re BFF. Every time I run into him he’s going on about how we’re good friends and all that stuff. Good friends? The guy’s all talk. We never hang out together or do anything. If Idolaf is such a good friend, where was he when I was getting my butt kicked by the bandits over in Fort Greymoor? I’ll tell you where he was — he was in Whiterun bugging some other poor slob to pick sides in his personal grudge match with clan Gray-Mane. If I could do it all over again I’d tell him that Gray-Mane rules and Battle-Born sucks. I just wish he’d leave me alone and unfriend me on Facebook.

So how about it? Have you ever done anything stupid in Skyrim? Let’s hear about it!

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Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough

Shane Scarbrough is the founder of the Skyrim Fansite. He's a business owner, video game journalist, and role playing game aficionado. When he's not working he enjoys reading, writing, and playing video games. He's currently on his third playthrough of Skyrim, and is playing as a Templar in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can find Shane on Google+ and FaceBook.

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11 years ago

Dude let me just say you story made me LOL many times, good stuff man. I found this blog because i also regret buying a horse and agree with everything you said about it. I guess another bad choice i made was thinking with me shiny new battle bow i was going to kill a giant. Being a level 7 i got this. I about shit myself when he got up close in about 5 paces and was ginormous. No pun intended. While 70 feet in the air after being hit i had a new respect for giants. I’ve yet to tangle with their furry friends. Im currently a level 17 Nordic battle axe wielding armsman known as Robeart.

Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough
Reply to  Bobby
11 years ago

Hi Bobby,

Thanks for your comment! I’m glad you enjoyed the article. Being knocked 70 feet in the air by a giant is quite the experience. Even though my character has leveled up nicely, I still give giants a WIDE berth even to this day. I’ll stick to fighting Dragons, thank you. Much safer 🙂

10 years ago

Nice stuff but I have to disagree about the horse. I bought my first one and never looked back. He’s as brain damaged as they come and like “Mean Machine” from Judge Dredd is always set on “P****d* I cant dismount him because he’ll charge off in random directions looking for people to beat up for their dinner money. Thought I’d lost him when he ended up floating off a waterfall but after thirty minutes of slaying everyone I came across in a blind fury I found him contently attacking a dragon. We’ve never been separated since.

Guess your just not getting “Good Horse”

Shane Scarbrough
Shane Scarbrough
Reply to  BATTLcomedy
10 years ago

Awesome post BATTLcomedy! And yes, I’m extremely jealous and want a horse just like yours…

Reply to  Shane Scarbrough
10 years ago

Heh, stupidest thing I’ve done? Try to pass a spikewall trap, only to have a draugr smack me onto the pressure plate and get a face-full of spikes for my effort. Darn draugr… dem shamblin’ idiots.

10 years ago

The stupidest thing(s) I’ve done are the numerous attempts to kill people in the main cities and a non sneaking Mage with a bow and arrow. I’ve only been able to get away with killing the guy who preaches about Talos (forget his name) and the “cloud district” guy (also forget his name), and yes, I do go there quite often. I’ve also tried to do the Solitude execution my way, with a bow and arrow using the same character, almost got away with it.

Reply to  Nick
10 years ago

With* a non sneaking mage

Dovahkin Ace
Dovahkin Ace
9 years ago

The worst thing i did was when a whiterun guard was saying that he used to be a adventurer like me until he got a arrow to the knee so i got my bow and shot him on the knee next thing i found myself running away and getting killed by a arrow, i dont regret it, it was very funny and i just started to laugh 😂