Gaming Reviews

Maize header

Maize Review – A Game About Sentient Corn

It has been a long time since I have played an adventure style game. I mean the old 90s point-and-click style like Grim Fandango (which is a masterpiece). They are cheesy and silly but ultimately, a lot of fun. So,…

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Mass Effect Series Review

The Mass Effect series is well known by almost all gamers. Developed by EA and Bioware, it’s unsurpassable storytelling has marked it as an iconic series by RPG fans and adventure game fans alike. The first Mass Effect I ever…

YouTubers Life Review Header

YouTubers Life Early Access Review

Every wondered what it would be like to sit at home making YouTube videos and racking up hundreds of thousands of pounds (or dollars)? In fact ever thought about earning so much from YouTube that you have your own space-station…

Cyber Chicken Review Header Image

Cyber Chicken 2.5D Platformer Review

Chickens are not the most terrifying of creatures. Very few horror films are made about them, and generally if a chicken is coming after you, it’s not a great source of concern for most people. A Cyber Chicken is a…

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Comix Zone Retro Review

Comix Zone is a little game developed by Sega and released for the Sega Genesis. When I first came across this game, I was a little kid that just got into computer gaming. I had picked up a small batch…

The Dwarves

The Dwarves Review: The Middle Tier Game Returns

In recent years there has been a serious gap in games being developed. This gap comes in the form of the middle tier games like Darksiders, Saints Row and The Kingdom of Amalur: Reckoning. The Playstation library is rife with…


Doom Console Review

Doom is a game created by ID software and Bethesda studios. It’s the latest of remakes in the series, after the latest game, Doom 3. A reimagined version of the game, Doom is reminiscent of classic rail shooters. It’s just…

Planet Explorers Header Image

Planet Explorers Steam Preview

With the disappointment many players felt after playing No Man’s Sky, it makes sense that many people are looking for alternatives. They’re looking for games that will provide the open-ended sandbox gameplay of space exploration while maintaining player interest and…

Drunk on Nectar Preview Header

Drunk on Nectar Life Simulation Preview

Have you ever wanted to float like a butterfly and sting like a bee? I’m talking literally here, not just being light on your feet with a good right hook. Have you wanted to experience what it’s like to be…