Gaming News

Hearthfire Coming to Xbox LIVE September 4th

It was just announced that Bethesda will be releasing Skyrim’s second DLC named Hearthfire on Xbox LIVE September 4th and will be available for 400 points Hearthfire will feature the ability to buy land and build a custom home using…

Battlemage, the Skyrim way

I’ve started a new character on Skyrim. My khajjit thief-archer was a lot of fun to play but I needed to experience a more direct approach to the combat in Skyrim for my next character. Initially, I had trouble deciding…

Combat in The Elder Scrolls Online

Combat in The Elder Scrolls series has always been a some-what lack-luster experience compared to other games of the same fantasy genre. Taking a look at some of the more recent releases in the series such as Morrowind and Oblivion…

Zombeer, Zombies and Beers: A Comic-Zombie FPS.

Imagine if you will a world where the only chance you had to survive against the hordes of zombies was drinking large amounts of beer. There is actually something in beer that can protect you against the zombie curse. Imagine…

Dark Legends’ Game Changing Update

If you’re already playing Dark Legends the vampire 3D MMO released by Spacetime Studios then you will be familiar with the limits of the energy system. For those who don’t know, your energy level dictates the actions your vampire can…

Age of Wushu: Now with Added Jet Li

Jet Li, the star of The Expendables, Romeo Must Die and Hero has been chosen to be the face of a new Martial Arts MMORPG called Age of Wushu. Eventually starring in the TV commercial for it that shows off…

Diablo III Online? and why we should Quit Moaning

Over the past couple of weeks we’ve seen the release of Diablo III and mixed with all the high praise for it’s addictive gameplay and action-packed kill ‘n’ loot action, is the low grumbling noise of discontent gamers who are…

AL announcement

Arcane Legends: Spacetime Studios is at it again

If you can’t get enough of the Spacetime Studios Pocket series, then the fourth in the series entitled Arcane Legends is likely to be a welcome addition to your download list. Following on from Pocket Legends, Star Legends and Dark…