Gaming Guides

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How To Jump – Baldur’s Gate 3

The world map of Baldur’s Gate 3 is not a flat one, there are hills to traverse, walls to climb, and dark holes to blindly jump into. Jumping plays something of a pivotal role in the game, particularly for adventurers…

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Grym Boss Battle – Baldur’s Gate 3

Using the Lava Valve on the Adamantine Forge for the first time will release not only lava, but also Grym – The Eternal Protector of the Forge who’s an Adamantine Golem. Grym’s default defense and resistances are very high, so…

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Adamantine Forge – Baldur’s Gate 3

Hidden deep within the Underdark, the Adamantine Forge is said to be able to craft items of legend. And if that sounds like a good-enough reason to go on an exciting and dangerous adventure to you, then you might want…

baldur's gate 3 map

How to Use the Map – Baldur’s Gate 3

Baldur’s Gate 3 is a big game, and you’ll need to make use of your map in order to find your way around. This guide will help you navigate the map’s menus and features and hopefully give you some pointers…

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Difficulty Levels – Baldur’s Gate 3

One of the many decisions you’ll make in Baldur’s Gate 3 is what difficulty to use during your campaign: Explorer, Balanced, or Tactician. Fortunately unlike most decisions in the game, you can change this at any time during your playthrough.…

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The Blade of Frontiers – Baldur’s Gate 3

In the companion quest The Blade of Frontiers in Baldur’s Gate 3, you’ll be helping Wyll with his personal quest and discovering a lot about his backstory. Along the way, you’ll meet Karlach. She is an origin character that can…

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Hirelings – Baldur’s Gate 3

Hirelings are generic companions that can be hired to aid in your adventure through Baldur’s Gate 3. In this guide, we’ll go over how to hire these followers and when it might be prudent. Where to Find Hirelings Actually, hirelings…

baldur's gate 3 character creation wizard spellbook

How to Prepare and Change Spells – Baldur’s Gate 3

Whether you’re playing a spell caster as your main character or just trying to manage your companions’ spells, it’s not always immediately obvious how to change out your spells in Baldur’s Gate 3. The game is based on 5th Edition…