Gaming Guides

starfield boost pack guide featured image v2

How to Use a Boost Pack – Starfield

Honestly, a tool that makes most aspects of gameplay better is a boost pack. It can be used for quicker movement while exploring or in a gun fight. You receive a boost pack very early on in Starfield, but it…

tutorials starfield guide

Tutorials – Starfield

Like its universe, Starfield’s systems are massive, complex, and not always clear. That’s where we come in, to make sure you have all the resources at your disposal to understand all of Starfield’s many (and sometimes unintuitive) systems. Collected below…

starfield how to lockpick featured image

How to Lockpick – Starfield

Anybody uninterested in living an honest life in Starfield, or is really curious about what is in that locked box, will have to learn to lockpick. Bethesda takes a markedly different approach from past games in its latest release, causing…

starfield powers guide

Starfield Powers

Despite being taking place in a relatively grounded sci-fi universe, Starfield features a sort of spellcasting, in the form of Starborn powers. In the fifth mission of Starfield’s main story, you gain access to your first power, and you can…

starfield background [file not found] description

Starfield [FILE NOT FOUND] Class – Background

Description Oddly, there is no information on file about your past life. Clerical oversight? Deletion by some powerful unknown faction? Or was there just nothing of note to mention? Whatever the reason, your past is known only to you. What’s…

starfield background xenobiologist description

Starfield Xenobiologist Class – Background

Description The Settled Systems is home to untold alien species. And while none of them have yet proven sentient, that never deterred you. So you sought out and studied them for whatever gifts they offered. Starting Skills

starfield background space scoundrel description

Starfield Space Scoundrel Class – Background

Description Good? Bad? Whose right is it to say? If there’s anything you’ve learned while traipsing through the galaxy, it’s this: space may look black, but it’s really one big shade of grey. Starting Skills

starfield background soldier description

Starfield Soldier Class – Background

Description The Settled Systems is no stranger to warfare, and if there’s one thing armed conflict relies on it’s trained warriors with guns and guts. You had both. Simple, bloody work… and you were great at it. Starting Skills