It’s important for a Viking to eat well. Especially when dealing with Trolls, Skeletons, and other supernatural foes. As such, in Valheim you can craft a wide assortment of foods that increase your Health, Stamina, and Eitr. This guide will list all currently available foods in Valheim, as well as the cooking stations you’ll need to actually cook them.
Basic Foods
Some of Valheim’s foods are pretty simple. You can either eat them raw or just roast them over an open fire.
Max Health +7 Max Stamina +20 Regeneration +1hp
10 minutes
Max Health +10 Max Stamina +32 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Max Health +15 Max Stamina +15 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Max Health +8 Max Stamina +25 Regeneration +1hp
10 minutes
Yellow Mushroom
Yellow Mushroom
Max Health +10 Max Stamina +30 Regeneration +1hp
10 minutes
Max Health +13 Max Stamina +40 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Max Health +8 Max Stamina +35 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Max Health +13 Max Stamina +40 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Jotun Puffs
Jotun Puffs
Max Health +25 Max Stamina +25 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Max Health +25 Max Stamina +25 Max Eitr +25 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly
Max Health +15 Max Stamina +15 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Max Health +30 Max Stamina +30 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Smoke Puff
Smoke Puff
Max Health +15 Max Stamina +15 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Vineberry Cluster
Vineberry Cluster
Max Health +30 Max Stamina +30 Max Eitr +30 Regeneration +1hp
15 minutes
Grilled Neck Tail
Neck Tail
Max Health +25 Max Stamina +8 Regeneration +2hp
20 minutes
Cooking Station
Cooked Fish
Raw Fish
Max Health +45 Max Stamina +15 Regeneration +2hp
20 minutes
Food Preparation Table then Cooking Station
Cooked Deer Meat
Deer Meat
Max Health +35 Max Stamina +12 Regeneration +2hp
20 minutes
Cooking Station
Cooked Boar Meat
Boar Meat
Max Health +30 Max Stamina +10 Regeneration +2hp
20 minutes
Cooking Station
Cooked Wolf Meat
Wolf Meat
Max Health +45 Max Stamina +15 Regeneration +3hp
20 minutes
Cooking Station
Cooked Serpent Meat
Serpent Meat
Max Health +70 Max Stamina +23 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Iron Cooking Station
Cooked Lox Meat
Lox Meat
Max Health +50 Max Stamina +16 Regeneration +4hp
20 minutes
Iron Cooking Station
Cooked Chicken Meat
Chicken Meat
Max Health +60 Max Stamina +20 Regeneration +5hp
20 minutes
Cooking Station
Cooked Hare Meat
Hare Meat
Max Health +60 Max Stamina +20 Regeneration +5hp
20 minutes
Cooking Station
Cooked Seeker Meat
Seeker Meat
Max Health +60 Max Stamina +20 Regeneration +5hp
20 minutes
Iron Cooking Station
Cooked Asksvin Tail
Asksvin Tail
Max Health +70 Max Stamina +24 Regeneration +6hp
20 minutes
Iron Cooking Station
Cooked Bonemaw Meat
Bonemaw Meat
Max Health +90 Max Stamina +30 Regeneration +6hp
25 minutes
Iron Cooking Station
Cooked Volture Meat
Volture Meat
Max Health +70 Max Stamina +24 Regeneration +6hp
20 minutes
Iron Cooking Station
Cauldron Foods
Some foods require a Cauldron to create — these foods are listed below.
Cauldron Level
Queen’s Jam x4
Raspberries x8 Blueberries x6
Max Health +14 Max Stamina +40 Regeneration +2hp
20 minutes
Level 1
Black Soup
Bloodbag Honey Turnip
Max Health +50 Max Stamina +17 Regeneration +3hp
20 minutes
Level 2
Onion Soup
Onion x3
Max Health +20 Max Stamina +60 Regeneration +1hp
20 minutes
Level 2
Ooze Raspberries x2 Blueberries x2
Max Health +16 Max Stamina +50 Regeneration +1hp
20 minutes
Level 2
Carrot Soup
Mushroom Carrot x3
Max Health +15 Max Stamina +45 Regeneration +2hp
25 minutes
Level 1
Deer Stew
Cooked Deer Meat Blueberries Carrot
Max Health +45 Max Stamina +15 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Level 1
Turnip Stew
Boar Meat Turnip x3
Max Health +18 Max Stamina +55 Regeneration +2hp
25 minutes
Level 2
Minced Meat Sauce
Boar Meat Neck Tail Carrot
Max Health +40 Max Stamina +13 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Level 1
Sausages x4
Entrails x4 Boar Meat Thistle
Max Health +55 Max Stamina +18 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Level 2
Wolf Skewer
Wolf Meat Mushroom x2 Onion
Max Health +65 Max Stamina +21 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Level 3
Greydwarf Eye x3 Freeze Gland
Max Health +21 Max Stamina +65 Regeneration +1hp
25 minutes
Level 3
Fish Wraps
Cooked Fish x2 Barley Flour x4
Max Health +70 Max Stamina +23 Regeneration +4hp
25 minutes
Level 4
Boar Jerky x2
Boar Meat Honey
Max Health +23 Max Stamina +23 Regeneration +2hp
30 minutes
Level 1
Serpent Stew
Mushroom Cooked Serpent Meat Honey x2
Max Health +80 Max Stamina +26 Regeneration +4hp
30 minutes
Level 2
Wolf Jerky x2
Wolf Meat Honey
Max Health +33 Max Stamina +33 Regeneration +3hp
30 minutes
Level 3
Blood Pudding
Thistle x2 Bloodbag x2 Barley Flour x4
Max Health +25 Max Stamina +75 Regeneration +2hp
30 minutes
Level 4
Cooked Egg
Max Health +35 Max Stamina +12 Regeneration +2hp
20 minutes
Level 1
Mushroom Omelette
Egg x3 Jotun Puffs x3
Max Health +28 Max Stamina +85 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Level 5
Salad x3
Jotun Puffs x3 Onion x3 Cloudberries x3
Max Health +26 Max Stamina +80 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Level 5
Seeker Aspic x2
Seeker Meat x2 Magecap x2 Royal Jelly x2
Max Health +28 Max Stamina +14 Max Eitr +85 Regeneration +3hp
30 minutes
Level 5
Yggdrasil Porridge
Sap x4 Barley x3 Royal Jelly x2
Max Health +27 Max Stamina +13 Max Eitr +80 Regeneration +3hp
25 minutes
Level 5
Fiery Svinstew
Asksvin Tail Vineberry Cluster x2 Smoke Puff
Max Health +95 Max Stamina +32 Regeneration +6hp
25 minutes
Level 5
Marinated Greens
Sap x3 Magecap x2 Fiddlehead x2 Smoke Puffs x2
Max Health +32 Max Stamina +16 Max Eitr +95 Regeneration +4hp
30 minutes
Level 6
Mashed Meat
Asksvin Tail Volture Meat Fiddlehead
Max Health +100 Max Stamina +34 Regeneration +6hp
25 minutes
Level 6
Scorching Medley x3
Jotun Puffs x3 Onion x3 Fiddlehead x3
Max Health +32 Max Stamina +95 Regeneration +4hp
25 minutes
Level 6
Sizzling Berry Broth
Sap x3 Fiddlehead x2 Vineberry Cluster x2
Max Health +28 Max Stamina +14 Max Eitr +85 Regeneration +4hp
25 minutes
Level 5
Sparkling Shroomshake
Sap x4 Vineberry Cluster x2 Smoke Puff x2 Magecap x2
Max Health +30 Max Stamina +15 Max Eitr +90 Regeneration +4hp
25 minutes
Level 6
Spicy Marmalade
Vineberry Cluster x3 Honey Fiddlehead
Max Health +30 Max Stamina +90 Regeneration +4hp
25 minutes
Level 5
Food Preparation Table Foods
Some advanced foods you will need to put together at the Food Preparation table and then bake in a Stone Oven. Food Preparation Table is also used to assemble Feasts introduced in the Bog Witch update. To use the Feasts, you’ll need the Serving Tray you buy from the Bog Witch for 140 Coins. Simply put it in your quickbar and use it like you would a Hammer and its crafting menu. One Feast will let you eat from it 10 times before running out. The witch also sells the herbs required for the Feasts. If you don’t know where she is, we have a guide that will tell you how to find the Bog Witch.
Bread x2
Barley Flour x10
Max Health +23 Max Stamina +70 Regeneration +2hp
25 minutes
Food Preparation Table then Stone Oven
Lox Meat Pie
Cloudberries x2 Lox Meat x2 Barley Flour x4
Max Health +75 Max Stamina +24 Regeneration +4hp
30 minutes
Food Preparation Table then Stone Oven
Fish ‘n’ Bread
Anglerfish Bread Dough x2
Max Health +30 Max Stamina +90 Regeneration +3hp
30 minutes
Food Preparation Table then Stone Oven
Honey Glazed Chicken
Chicken Meat Honey x3 Jotun Puffs x2
Max Health +80 Max Stamina +26 Regeneration +5hp
30 minutes
Food Preparation Table then Stone Oven
Meat Platter
Seeker Meat Lox Meat Hare Meat
Max Health +80 Max Stamina +26 Regeneration +5hp
30 minutes
Food Preparation Table then Stone Oven
Misthare Supreme
Hare Meat Jotun Puffs x3 Carrot x2
Max Health +85 Max Stamina +28 Regeneration +5hp
25 minutes
Food Preparation Table then Stone Oven
Stuffed Mushroom
Magecap x3 Blood Clot Turnip x2
Max Health +25 Max Stamina +12 Max Eitr +75 Regeneration +3hp
Max Health +75 Max Stamina +75 Max Eitr +38 Regeneration +6hp
50 minutes
Food Preparation Table
Crafting and Upgrading Cooking Stations
While you can eat some basic foods like berries and honey raw, you’ll have to cook most of your food before it’s of any use to you. Below we’ll list all the cooking stations you will need to become a proper Viking chef and unlock access to all of Valheim’s foods. We’ll list the materials required, the crafting table that needs to be nearby when you’re placing your cooking stations, and the highest biome you’ll need to visit before you can build them.
Keep in mind that the basic Cooking Station, Iron Cooking Station, and Cauldron need to be placed over a fire. Also that the Cauldron upgrades need to be placed close to the Cauldron.
Rolling Pins and Cutting Boards (Cauldron improvement)
Ashwood x8 Finewood x6 Flametal x4
Food Preparation Table
Iron x5 Finewood x20 Leather Scrap x15
Stone Oven
Iron x15 Stone x20 Surtling Core x4
Artisan Table
When setting up your kitchen, make sure you have enough room. Otherwise you’ll end up with a cluttered mess like this.
We hope we were able to help you choose a healthy and balanced diet for your Vikings. If you know of any other foods and meals you can find in Valheim, don’t hesitate to let us know.
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Val Hull
Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.