Vineberry Cluster

Food – Raw

These juicy berries are both sour and sweet.

Uses: Raw Food, Ingredient, Farming, Taming
• Health: +30
• Stamina: +30
• Eitr: +30
• Healing: +1hp/tick
Effects Duration: 15 minutes
Source: Ashvine (Ashlands)
Weight: 0.1    Stack: 50
ItemID: Vineberry

valheim vineberry

Vineberry Cluster is a grape-looking plant that grows one the walls of abandoned buildings in the Ashlands biome.


  • Vineberry Clusters grow on red Ashvines found on various building walls in the Ashlands biome.
  • When picking up a Vineberry Cluster, there’s a chance you’ll get some Vineberry Seeds.
  • Vineberry Seeds can be grown into Vineberry Cluster-producing Ashvine in most biomes.

Vineberry Cluster closely resembles grapes and tends to grow among the vines found on the sides of abandoned buildings of the Ashlands biome. When you gather a Vineberry Cluster, there’s a chance you’ll also get some Vineberry Seeds. You can then plant these seeds using the Cultivator tool outside the Ashlands – pretty much every biome except for Mountains and Deep North works there. Just make sure they have a wall to cling to.

Once you have some Vineberry Seeds, you can start growing Ashvine. Unlike most other crops, Ashvine needs a wall to cling to. However, it can grow in every biome except for Mountains and Deep North, which means you can farm Vinberry Clusters in your main Meadows base.

You will need the Cultivator tool (Corewood x5, Bronze x5) first to cultivate some soil. Equip the Cultivator and right click with it selected on your hotbar. In the menu that appears, select Cultivate and then start left-clicking on the ground to create soil fit for planting. Then, place a high wall around that soil, or build a tall fence around your existing Meadows farm. Then, right-click the Cultivator again, select Ashvine and plant the seeds by the wall. It will take several in-game days for Vineberry Clusters to start appearing, but the vine will begin growing almost immediately.

When planting your Vineberry Seeds, keep in mind that they still need some space. Don’t plant them too close to each other, or to the wall itself. When you do it right, hovering over an Ashvine sapling will tell you it’s healthy, otherwise it will tell you that it needs more room to grow.

Important to note that once Ashvine has been planted, it will continuously produce Vineberry Cluster without the need for you to replant anything.


  • Raw Food
  • Ingredient in food or Mead
  • Growing Ashvine
  • Asksvin Taming


When consumed raw, a Vineberry Cluster increases your health by 30, stamina by 30, Eitr by 30, and health regeneration by 1 hp/tick for 15 minutes. It is, however, much better to use them for various high-tier mead and food recipes.

In case you do need to eat a raw Vineberry Cluster, you can do it by right clicking it in your inventory. Its effects stack with up to two other foods, but you can only eat one Vineberry Cluster at a time. Vineberry Cluster’s buff starts by providing the listed benefits, but grows weaker with time. When only 50% of its duration is left, or 7.5 minutes, the buff icon will start flashing and you’ll be able to eat another Vineberry Cluster and refresh the effects.

Cooking & Brewing

Vineberry Cluster is an ingredient in a lot of high-tier foods, Meads, and Feast, so you’ll be wise to start growing it as soon as possible. The Recipes section has the full list.


Whenever you pick up Vineberry Cluster, you can also get some Vineberry Seeds you can then plant to grow Ashvine. Ashvine clings to walls and continuously produces Vineberry Cluster for you. It can grow in just about every biome except Mountain and Deep North.


You can feed Vineberry Clusters to wild Asksvin if you want to tame the beasts. This will grant you easy access to Asksvin Tails, Asksvin Bladders, and Asksvin Hides, and provide you with a trusty mount that’s immune to lava damage.

Asksvins are high-tier creatures found in one of the hardest biomes, and as such, they’re not easy to tame. While you can trap them in various ways, the most practical way is to just do it out in the wild.

Grab some Vineberry Clusters, then sneak up on an Asksvin and throw a Vineberry Cluster on the ground near it. Once the Asksvin notices you (a yellow dot appears over its head), it will eat the food and the taming process will begin. It takes 30 minutes to fully tame an Asksvin, and in total you will need 3 Vineberry Clusters to complete this process. If you get too close during this and the Asksvin becomes aggressive (a red exclamation mark appears), you should run away and let it calm down.

You will need to remain within 64 meters of an Asksvin without drawing its aggro while it’s being tamed, so a Brew of Animal Whispers that doubles the taming speed is advisable. During this time, there’s a decent chance you’ll get attacked by various Ashlands monsters, so make sure you’re ready to fight them.

Once an Asksvin is tamed, you’ll be able to ride it to safety using an Asksvin Saddle (Flametal x6, Linen Thread x20, Morgen Sinew x4), and then start breeding them for their resources.


Here’s what you can do with all your Vineberry Clusters.

Fiery Svinstew
Asksvin Tail
Vineberry Cluster x2
Smoke Puff
Max Health +95
Max Stamina +32
Regeneration +6hp
for 25 minutes
Sizzling Berry Broth
Sap x3
Fiddlehead x2
Vineberry Cluster x2
Max Health +28
Max Stamina +14
Max Eitr +85
Regeneration +4hp
for 25 minutes
Sparkling Shroomshake
Sap x4
Vineberry Cluster x2
Smoke Puff x2
Magecap x2
Max Health +30
Max Stamina +15
Max Eitr +90
Regeneration +4hp
for 25 minutes
Spicy Marmalade
Vineberry Cluster x3
Max Health +30
Max Stamina +90
Regeneration +4hp
for 25 minutes
Piquant Pie
Vineberry Cluster x2
Asksvin Tail x2
Barley Flour x4
Max Health +105
Max Stamina +35
Regeneration +6hp
for 30 minutes
Roasted Crust Pie
Vineberry Cluster x2
Volture Egg
Barley Flour x4
Max Health +34
Max Stamina +100
Regeneration +4hp
for 30 minutes
Ashlands Gourmet Bowl
Cooked Asksvin Tail x3
Vineberry Cluster x5
Scorching Medley x2
Fiery Spice Powder
Max Health +75
Max Stamina +75
Max Eitr +38
Regeneration +6hp
for 50 minutes
Sap x10
Vineberry Cluster x10
Magecap x10
Eitr regeneration +25%
for 5 minutes
Sap x10
Vineberry Cluster x10
Smoke Puff x10
Health regeneration +25%
for 5 minutes

Helpful Tips

  • You’re not guaranteed to get Vineberry Seeds when gathering a Vineberry Cluster, so if you don’t get some right away, keep going.
  • Once clinging to a wall, Ashvine doesn’t need cultivated soil underneath. This means you can decorate your buildings with vines without ruining look of the ground around them.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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