Tonic of Ratatosk


The squirrel must be quick on its feet as it runs up and down the trunk of the world tree. Although it no longer visits Valheim, there are still those who remember it…

Effects: Movement speed: +15%, Run skill: +10
Ingredients: Honey x10, Blueberries x10, Cured Squirrel Hamstring
Biome: Swamp
ItemID: MeadHasty

valheim tonic of ratatosk potion hasty


Named after the fabled Ratatoskr squirrel, Tonic of Ratatosk is universally helpful. It increases your movement speed by 15% and raises your Run skill by 10 points for 10 minutes. It’s also quite easy to brew – the only rare ingredient you’ll need is sold by the Bog Witch trader.

When you have the ingredients, use the Mead Ketill to create a Mead Base: Ratatosk. Then put this Mead Base into an empty Fermenter and wait 2 in-game days. This will get you 6 bottles of Tonic of Ratatosk.

Drinking the tonic from your inventory by right-clicking it is recommended. You can also assign it to your hotbar and press the requisite button, but seeing how the tonic lasts for 10 minutes, it might be unnecessary.


This is the recipe to craft Tonic of Ratatosk:

  • Honey x10
  • Blueberries x10
  • Cured Squirrel Hamstring


Tonic of Ratatosk is quite easy to make and will simply need you to gather the following:

  • Honey is a basic ingredient for multiple Meads. It’s continuously produced by a Queen Bee after you put one inside a beehive.
  • Blueberries are common berries found on bushes in the Black Forest biome.
  • Cured Squirrel Hamstring is purchased from the Bog Witch. You can buy 5 of them for 80 Coins.

Helpful Tips

  • The only way to purchase Cured Squirrel Hamstring is in stacks of 5 from the Bog Witch. This means that a single 5-stack that costs 80 Coins will let you brew a total of 30 Tonics of Ratatosk.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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