Queen’s Jam

Food – Cauldron level 1

That classic tasty blend of raspberries and blueberries.

Uses: Food, Ingredient
• Health: +14
• Stamina: +40
• Healing: +2hp/tick
Effects Duration: 20 minutes
• Raspberries x8
• Blueberries x6
Source: Cauldron level 1 recipe
Weight: 1.0    Stack: 10
ItemID: QueensJam

valheim queen's jam queensjam

Queen’s Jam is a Black Forest-tier food that will increase your health by 14, stamina by 40, and health regeneration by 2hp/tick for 20 minutes. You get 4 Queen’s Jam by cooking 8 Raspberries and 6 Blueberries in a Cauldron.


The basic ingredients needed to craft Queen’s Jam are very common and easily gathered:

  • Raspberries are red berries that grow on bushes all across the Meadows biome
  • Blueberries are small blue berries that also grow on bushes, but in the Black Forest biome

In order to combine these ingredients into Queen’s Jam, you’ll need a Cauldron (Tin x10). And in order to build that Cauldron, you’ll need a Forge (Stone x4, Coal x4, Wood x10, Copper x6). The biggest hurdles there are Tin and Copper. This means you’ll need to explore the Black Forest Biome and mine its ores before you can cook Queen’s Jam.

Once your Cauldron is up and running, you will immediately have the recipe for Queen’s Jam available. Simply combine Raspberries x8 and Blueberries x6, and you’ll receive Queen’s Jam x4.


  • Food
  • Feast ingredient


By combining the Raspberries and Blueberries together in a Cauldron, you get Queen’s Jam that increases your health by 14, stamina by 40, and health regeneration by 2hp/tick for 20 minutes. You can eat Queen’s Jam directly from your inventory by right-clicking its icon. Its effects can be combined with two other food sources, so if you have a surplus of berries, you can eat some Raspberries and Blueberries together with Queen’s Jam. Just keep in mind that you can’t eat two Queen’s Jams at once.

When you eat Queen’s Jam, it will provide its full benefits, but over time they will grow weaker. When Queen’s Jam has 50% of its duration left, or 10 minutes, its buff icon will start glowing and you’ll be able to eat another one and refresh its effects.


After you find the Bog Witch trader, you’ll be able to purchase the Serving Tray for 140 Coins from her. This, together with special herbs and spices you also purchase from the Witch will allow you to create Feasts – ultimate recipes that last 50 minutes and can be used up to 10 times. Queen’s Jam is an ingredient in the Black Forest Buffet Platter Feast. Check the Recipes section for more information.


Here’s what you can do with Queen’s Jam on top of just eating it.

Black Forest Buffet Platter
Deer Stew x3
Thistle x5
Queen’s Jam x4
Woodland Herb Blend
Max Health +35
Max Stamina +35
Regeneration +3hp
for 50 minutes

Helpful Tips

  • Queen’s Jam is a great source of stamina and a solid food choice all around, especially considering how easy it is to obtain the ingredients needed to craft it
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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