Poison Resistance Mead


Fortifies you against poison.

Effects: Very Resistant VS Poison
Ingredients: Honey x10, Thistle x5, Neck Tail, Coal x10
Biome: Black Forest
ItemID: MeadPoisonResist

valheim poison resistance mead potion poisonresist


Poison Resistance Mead makes you very resistant to poison damage for 10 minutes. In practical terms, this means you will take 75% less poison damage from all sources while the Mead is active. Since the Swamp biome is full of things that deal poison damage, it might be wise to have some of this Mead with you when exploring that biome. As such, all the ingredients you need to craft it can be found in the Meadows and Black Forest biomes.

With the ingredients in your inventory, use a Mead Ketill to create a Mead Base: Poison Resistance. Then transfer the Mead Base into an empty Fermenter and in 2 in-game days, you’ll get 6 bottles of the Mead.

Since the Mead only protects you from the instances of poison damage you gain when it’s active, you should use it before you’re actually fighting things that deal poison damage. As such, simply right click the Mead in your inventory before entering the Swamp. Putting it on your hotbar and drinking the Mead when you’re about to get hit can be too unreliable.


This is what you’ll need to craft a Mead Base: Poison Resistance:

  • Honey x10
  • Thistle x5
  • Neck Tail
  • Coal x10


The resources required to brew Poison Resistance Mead are quite abundant and easy to find in the Meadows and Black Forest biomes:

  • Honey is produced by a Queen Bee that’s inside a beehive.
  • Thistle grows in the Black Forest and Swamp biomes. It’s a thin plant with glowing blue flowers, which makes it easy to find at night.
  • Neck Tail is a drop from Necks – small lizard creatures found near the water in the Meadows biome.
  • Coal is most easily obtained by burning Wood in a Charcoal Kiln.

Helpful Tips

  • Elemental resistance buffs don’t stack, with the strongest resistance overriding the other modifiers. And since Poison Resistance Mead is the strongest source of poison resistance in the game, it’s your best option to deal with that damage type.
  • There are multiple ways to obtain Coal. The easiest one is by using a Charcoal Kiln. But if you need some quick Coal in a pinch, you can always put some meat on a Cooking Station and leave it there for several minutes. This will turn the meat into Coal.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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