Minor Stamina Mead


Restores stamina.

Effects: +80 Stamina
Ingredients: Honey x10, Raspberries x10, Yellow Mushroom x10
Biome: Black Forest
ItemID: MeadStaminaMinor

valheim minor stamina mead potion stamina minor


Minor Stamina Mead restores 80 stamina points over 2 seconds with a 2-minute cooldown. This makes it quite effective even if you have some food buffs active. Most of the resources you’ll need to brew it are located in the Meadows, but you’ll still need to visit Black Forest’s dungeons to get the final ingredient.

Brewing the Mead requires putting the ingredients in a Mead Ketill to create Mead Base: Minor Stamina. This Mead Base goes into an empty Fermenter where it stays for 2 in-game days. Afterwards, you get 6 portions of the Mead.

You can consume Minor Healing Mead by right-clicking it in your inventory. Since it works so fast, it’s better to assign it to the hotbar and then press the associated key.


This is what you’ll require to create one Mead Base: Minor Stamina:

  • Honey x10
  • Raspberries x10
  • Yellow Mushroom x10


Minor Stamina Mead is one of the easiest Meads to brew. It uses some basic and easy-to-find ingredients:

  • You can produce Honey at your base after you’ve captured a Queen Bee in the Meadows.
  • Raspberries are red berry bushes that grow all over the Meadows.
  • Yellow Mushrooms are glowing yellow mushrooms that grow inside dungeons and caves of the Black Forest and Swamp biomes.

Helpful Tips

  • Minor Stamina Mead shares its cooldown with the other stamina-restoring Meads, so be sure to drink the best one you have for the situation.
  • Stamina Meads are useful in combat, but they’re also very helpful when you’re out exploring. They let you climb mountains better, swim further after falling into water, and move longer when overloaded.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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