Minor Healing Mead


Restores health.

Effects: +50 Health
Ingredients: Honey x10, Blueberries x5, Raspberries x10, Dandelion
Biome: Black Forest
ItemID: MeadHealthMinor

valheim minor healing mead potion health minor


Minor Healing Mead is your basic healing potion. It restores 50 health over 10 seconds, with a cooldown of 2 minutes between uses. The highest biome you’ll need to visit to brew Minor Healing Mead is Black Forest.

To brew Minor Healing Mead, you will first need to put the required ingredients into a Mead Ketill to craft Mead Base: Minor Healing. Then use any available Fermenter with the Mead Base in your inventory and it will start fermenting. Simply wait for 2 in-game days after that, and you’ll get 6 portions of Minor Healing Mead.

Once you have the Mead in your inventory, you can right-click it to drink it. Alternatively, if you want easy access, you can assign it to your hotbar and then press the associated button to drink it in the heat of battle.


Here’s what you’ll need to ferment 6 portions of Minor Healing Mead:

  • Honey x10
  • Blueberries x5
  • Raspberries x10
  • Dandelion


The ingredients for brewing Minor Healing Mead are found in the Meadows and Black Forest biomes.

  • Honey is an integral part of many meads. So even though you can find some inside wild beehives around abandoned structures in the Meadows biome, it may be a good idea to keep some bees of your own.
  • Blueberries are blue berries that grow on bushes all around the Black Forest biome.
  • Raspberries are red berries that grow on bushes all around the Meadows biome.
  • Dandelions are yellow flowers that grow on the ground in the Meadows biome.

Helpful Tips

  • Keep in mind that the Mead restores your health over a few seconds and not instantly. Don’t wait until the last possible moment to drink it.
  • Despite Minor Healing Mead having a cooldown of 2 minutes and Lingering Healing Mead of 5 minutes, the cooldown is shared. This means if you’re under the effect of a Lingering Healing Mead, you won’t be able to use a regular Healing Mead for a quick heal and vice versa.

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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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