Medium Stamina Mead


Restores stamina.

Effects: +160 Stamina
Ingredients: Honey x10, Cloudberries x10, Yellow Mushroom x10
Biome: Plains
ItemID: MeadStaminaMedium

valheim medium stamina mead potion stamina medium


Medium Stamina Mead is an improved version of Minor Stamina Mead. It restores 160 stamina over 2 seconds with a cooldown of 2 minutes. In order to brew it, you’ll have to visit the Plains biome. The Cloudberries you’ll need there are numerous and easy to find. This makes Medium Stamina Mead an easy choice over the Minor version once you’ve reached the Plains.

To brew Medium Stamina Mead, you’ll want to combine the ingredients in a Mead Ketill into Mead Base: Medium Stamina. Put this Mead Base in an empty Fermenter and in 2 in-game days you’ll get 6 portions of Medium Healing Mead.

You can use the Mead simply by right-clicking it in your inventory. A better way to drink it would be to put it on your hotbar and then press the appropriate button.


The resources you’ll need for a single Mead Base: Medium Stamina are as follows:

  • Honey x10
  • Cloudberries x10
  • Yellow Mushroom x10


To brew Medium Stamina Mead, you’ll need to visit three biomes – Meadows, Black Forest (or Swamp), and Plains:

  • A beehive with a Queen Bee inside will produce Honey for you at a steady rate.
  • Cloudberries are yellowish-white berries found on bushes throughout the Plains biome.
  • Yellow Mushrooms grow inside dungeons and caves of the Black Forest and Swamp biomes. You’ll recognize them by their yellow glow.

Helpful Tips

  • Medium Stamina Mead has a cooldown of 2 minutes, during which you won’t be able to consume any other stamina Mead. Plan your drinking accordingly.
  • Despite its designation as Medium, as of the Ashlands update, Medium Stamina Mead is the strongest fast-acting stamina Mead in the game.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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