Lox Meat Pie is Plains-tier food that raises your health by 75, stamina by 24, and health regeneration by 4 hp/tick for 30 minutes. You cook it by combining 2 Cloudberries, 2 Lox Meat, and 4 Barley Flour into an Unbaked Lox Pie at a Food Preparation Table, and then bake it in a Stone Oven.
The ingredients for a Lox Meat Pie include 2 Cloudberries, 2 Lox Meat, and 4 Barley Flour
You’ll combine the ingredients into Unbaked Lox Pie at a Food Preparation Table, then bake it in a Stone Oven
Everything you need for a Lox Meat Pie can be found in the Plains biome:
Cloudberries are yellowish berries that grow all over the ground in the Plains
Lox Meat is a guaranteed drop from the Lox grazing in the Plains
Barley Flour is produced from the Barley that you’ll find growing inside Fuling villages in the Plains
While cooking Lox Meat Pie has quite a few steps, most of them should happen automatically as you explore the Plains biome. The first ingredient – Cloudberries – grow all over the biome as these yellowish bushes. Once picked, Cloudberries respawn after 300 minutes.
Lox, the great woolly beasts roaming the Plains, drop Lox Meat when slain. They’re big, slow, but hit hard, so just dodge their attacks when you see them coming, and you should be good. Alternatively, use ranged weapons. You can also tame some Lox in order to use them as mounts and have easy access to their ingredients.
Barley grows naturally in the Plains. You’ll frequently find some inside Fuling villages. After you collect it, you’ll be able to plant it with the Cultivator tool (Corewood x5, Bronze x5) to start a farm where each planted Barley produced 3 Barley after growing. Just keep in mind that Barley can only grow in the Plains biome, so that’s where you should set up your farm.
Once you’re harvesting barley, you will need a Windmill (Stone x20, Wood x30, Iron Nails x30) to turn it into Barley Flour. Placing a Windmill down requires an Artisan Table (Wood x10, Dragon Tear x2) that you can only build after defeating Moder, the boss of the Mountain biome. When your Windmill is up, load it up with Barley from one end, then wait a bit and pick up your Barley Flour at the other end.
Take all these ingredients to a Food Preparation Table (Iron x5, Finewood x20, Leather Scraps x15). There, you’ll combine 2 Cloudberries, 2 Lox Meat, and 4 Barley Flour into an Unbaked Lox Pie.
The unbaked pie will go into a Stone Oven (Iron x15, Stone x20, Surtling Core x4). Using the oven’s bottom part lets you load it up with up to 10 Wood. Once some Wood is in, interact with the oven’s upper part so that any cookable items you have in your inventory will be transferred there. You can have up to 4 food items cooking in a single oven at any time. It takes 50 seconds for Unbaked Lox Pie to cook into a Lox Meat Pie. When it’s done, you’ll hear a hissing noise and see a lot of smoke coming from the oven. Interacting with the top part at that point will unload any Lox Meat Pies you have in. Just be careful not to leave the pies on the fire for too long, or they will turn into Coal.
Cloudberries in the PlainsLox grazing in the distanceA plot of BarleyLoading Barley into a WindmillGrabbing Barley FlourPutting Wood into a Stone OvenLoading an oven with piesBaked goods ready to go
Feast ingredient
When you eat a Lox Meat Pie, your health goes up by 75, stamina by 24, and health regeneration by 4 hp/tick for 30 minutes. This can be combined with up to two other foods, but it’s impossible to eat more than once Lox Meat Pie at once.
Lox Meat Pie will start out granting you its listed benefits, but the effects will fade with time. When there’s just 50% left in its duration, or 15 minutes, the buff icon will start flashing, and you’ll be able to eat another Lox Meat Pie to refresh the effects.
Feast Ingredient
The Bog Witch trader you can find in the Swamp introduced a new Feast system. To enable it, the witch sells a Serving Tray for 140 Coins, along with assorted herbs and spices. Lox Meat Pie is an ingredient in one of these Feasts. You can learn more about it in the Recipes section.
Max Health +55 Max Stamina +55 Regeneration +4hp for 50 minutes
Helpful Tips
It takes 50 seconds for Lox Meat Pie to bake. If you leave it in the oven for over 100 seconds, it will turn into Coal.
Lox Meat Pie is much easier to make, but it provides almost as much extra health as Serpent Stew
Cloudberries can’t be farmed, but they respawn after 300 minutes. As such, placing a marker on the map around areas rich in Cloudberries is a good idea
You can only farm Barley in the Plains, so you might want to place a portal near your farm
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Val Hull
Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.