Love Potion


An intense musk permeates the air around this bottle.

Effects: Increases Troll spawn rate
Biome: Swamp
ItemID: MeadTrollPheromones

valheim love potion potion pheromones


Valheim’s Love Potion is unique in that the game classifies it as a Mead, but you can’t actually brew it yourself. The only legitimate way to obtain it is to buy it from the Bog Witch. The effects are unclear at first glance, so if you drink it without any preparation, you’ll be in for an unpleasant surprise. For its 5-minute duration, the potion attracts Trolls to your position by greatly increasing their spawn rate, as well as their average strength. While under the effects of the Love Potion, you’ll be seeing significantly more 1 and 2-star Trolls.

The Trolls drop a decent amount of Coins when slain. This means that if you’re prepared to deal with the monsters, drinking Love Potions is a nice way of obtaining some easy Coins without going too far from your base.

To drink a Love Potion, you can right-click it in your inventory or assign it to your hotbar and drink it from there by pressing the associated button.

How to Purchase

In order to buy some Love Potions, you will first need to find the Bog Witch, one of Valheim’s NPC traders. We have a detailed guide on how to find the Bog Witch. But in short, you’ll need to explore your world’s Swamp biome until a white cauldron icon appears on your map. Go toward the icon and you’ll soon see a hut under a protective forcefield.

Inside the hut, you’ll find the Bog Witch who sells numerous supplies required for brewing Mead and creating Feasts. Among her wares, you’ll also see Love Potions. You can buy them in bundles of 5 for 110 Coins.

valheim love potion sample
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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