Lingering Stamina Mead


Increases stamina regeneration.

Effects: +25% Stamina regen
Ingredients: Sap x10, Cloudberries x10, Jotun Puffs x10
Biome: Mistlands
ItemID: MeadStaminaLingering

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Instead of quickly restoring stamina, Lingering Stamina Mead increases your stamina regeneration by 25% for 5 minutes. You’ll need to visit the Meadows, Plains, and Mistlands biomes if you want to brew it.

In order to brew Lingering Stamina Mead, you’ll first need to combine the ingredients in a Mead Ketill to make a Mead Base: Lingering Stamina. Putting this Mead Base into an empty Fermenter after will produce 6 units of Lingering Stamina Mead after 2 in-game days.

Lingering Stamina Mead can be used directly from your inventory. Simply right-click it and your character will drink the Mead. Alternatively, you can assign it to your hotbar and press the appropriate key.


These are the resources that go into a single Mead Base: Lingering Stamina:

  • Sap x10
  • Cloudberries x10
  • Jotun Puffs x10


Lingering Stamina Mead is an advanced recipe that will have you traveling all over the map to get the ingredients needed:

  • Sap is produced by placing a Sap Extractor over an Ancient Root in the Mistlands biome. One unit of Sap is produced every minute by an extractor, so you might want to have at least several of them going.
  • Cloudberries grow on the ground in the Plains biome. They’re round and yellowish-white in color.
  • Jotun Puffs are bulbous orange mushrooms you can find in the Mistlands biome.

Helpful Tips

  • Keep in mind that during the 5 minutes when the buff provided by a Lingering Stamina Mead is active, you won’t be able to drink another stamina Mead.
  • Ancient Roots are large roots with a green glow. The first time you encounter them in the Mistlands biome, Hugin will appear and give you some lore, so you really can’t miss them.
  • Jotun Puffs are naturally rare. However, once you find some, you will be able to use a Cultivator tool to plant them in the Mistlands biome and get a Jotun Puffs farm going.
  • The extra stamina regeneration provided by the Lingering Stamina Mead will stop working if your character is overloaded.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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