Lingering Healing Mead


Increases health regeneration.

Effects: +25% Health regen
Ingredients: Sap x10, Vineberry Cluster x10, Smoke Puff x10
Biome: Ashlands
ItemID: MeadHealthLingering

valheim lingering healing mead potion health lingering


Lingering Healing Mead is a different kind of healing potion. Instead of healing you immediately, it increases your health regeneration by 25% for 5 minutes. To craft these, you’ll need to visit the Mistlands and Ashlands biomes.

To brew Lingering Healing Mead, you’ll need to gather the required ingredients and then put them together in a Mead Ketill to craft Mead Base: Lingering Health. This Mead Base then goes into a Fermenter where it will stay for 2 in-game days. Afterwards, you’ll get 6 bottles of Lingering Healing Mead.

You can use your Lingering Healing Mead directly from the inventory screen by right-clicking it. It’s also possible to assign it to the hotbar and then drink it by pressing the associated key.


This is what you’ll need for a single Mead Base: Lingering Health:

  • Sap x10
  • Vineberry Cluster x10
  • Smoke Puff x10


As Lingering Healing Mead is an advanced recipe, you’ll be heading out to the Mistlands and Ashlands biomes to get the necessary ingredients:

  • To get Sap, you will need to place a Sap Extractor on an Ancient Root in the Mistlands Biome and then wait. An Extractor produces 1 unit of Sap every minute.
  • Vineberry Clusters are yellow grape-looking fruits that grow on the sides of buildings in the Ashlands biome.
  • Smoke Puffs are bulbous grey and yellow mushrooms you can find on the ground in the Ashlands.

Helpful Tips

  • The restorative effects of the Lingering Healing Mead last for 5 minutes. During this time, you won’t be able to drink a Minor, Medium, or Major Healing Mead.
  • The Ancient Roots you’ll need to tap to get Sap are large glowing green roots found throughout Mistlands. The first time you find one, Hugin the raven will appear and offer some lore, so you really can’t miss them.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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