Frost Resistance Mead


Protects against the cold.

Effects: Resistant VS Frost
Ingredients: Honey x10, Thistle x5, Bloodbag x2, Greydwarf Eye
Biome: Swamp
ItemID: MeadFrostResist

valheim frost resistance mead potion frostresist


Frost Resistance Mead makes you resistant against frost. It reduces the frost damage you take by 50% and also protects you from such status effects like Cold and Freezing. This Mead will help you explore the Mountains biome before you have any frost resist gear, and as such you’ll be able to brew it after exploring the Swamp.

Once you’ve collected the necessary resources, combine them together in a Mead Ketill into Mead Base: Frost Resistance. Transfer this Mead Base into an available Fermenter, and in 2 in-game days you’ll get 6 bottles of Frost Resistance Mead.

The best way to consume this Mead is by right-clicking it in your inventory. Its effects last for 10 minutes and you want to have them on when you enter the Mountains or some other freezing area. Alternatively, you can put it on your hotbar and press the designated button.


This is what you’ll need to brew Frost Resistance Mead:

  • Honey x10
  • Thistle x5
  • Bloodbag x2
  • Greydwarf eye


The ingredients for Frost Resistance Mead are found in the Meadows, Black Forest and Swamp biomes:

  • Honey is used in many Meads and other recipes, so it’s best farmed by putting a Queen Bee in a crafted beehive.
  • Thistle is a thin plant with glowing blue flowers that grows in the Black Forest and Swamp biomes.
  • Bloodbags are dropped by leeches that live in the waters of the Swamp biome.
  • Greydwarf enemies you can encounter in the Meadows and Black Forest biomes drop Greydwarf Eyes.

Helpful Tips

  • The resistance to Frost damage you get by drinking the Mead doesn’t stack with other sources of Frost resistance. The strongest effect simply overrides the others.
  • Since most other items that protect you from the Cold and Freezing debuffs are created from ingredients found in the Mountains biome, Frost Resistance Mead is all but necessary when you first visit that icy biome. Just keep in mind that the protection stops working when your character gets wet.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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