Draught of Vananidir


You feel invigorated just by holding this, as the ocean beckons you to come for a swim.

Effects: Swim stamina usage: -50%
Ingredients: Dandelion x10, Perch x2, Fresh Seaweed
Biome: Swamp
ItemID: MeadSwimmer

valheim draught of vananidir potion swimmer


Draught of Vananidir is a situational Mead that makes you use 50% less stamina to swim for 5 minutes. The ingredients required to brew it are very common. However, you will have to find the Bog Witch in the Swamp and figure out how to fish if you want to start making these.

With the ingredients gathered, simply combine them in a Mead Ketill to create a Mead Base: Vananidir. Place the Mead Base into an available Fermenter and after 2 in-game days, you’ll get 6 portions of the Mead.

To actually drink the Mead, right-click it in your inventory. As another option, you can assign it to the hotbar and use it from there by pressing the appropriate button.


This is what you’ll need to make Draught of Vananidir:

  • Dandelion x10
  • Perch x2
  • Fresh Seaweed


Aside from the Seaweed you’ll be buying from the Bog Witch, the other ingredients for this Mead are very common and are found in the Meadows biome:

  • Dandelions are yellow flowers you can find growing all over the Meadows.
  • Perch is a basic fish found all over the world, including the shores of the Meadows biome. You can use standard Fishing Bait to catch it (purchase it from Haldor the trader).
  • Fresh Seaweed is a special ingredient only sold by the Bog Witch. 5 of these go for 75 Coins.

Helpful Tips

  • The only way to buy Fresh Seaweed is in multiples of 5. Since that costs you 75 Coins, this is the price for 30 Draughts of Vananidir.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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