Cooked Volture Meat

Food – Iron Cooking Station

A chewy and somewhat dry meat. Some seasoning would probably make it taste better, but it’ll fill your stomach regardless.

Uses: Food
• Health: +70
• Stamina: +24
• Healing: +6hp/tick
Effects Duration: 20 minutes
• Volture Meat
Source: Volture
Weight: 1.0    Stack: 20
ItemID: CookedVoltureMeat

valehim cooked volture meat volture meat cooked

Cooked Volture Meat is a basic health-boosting food you can eat while exploring the Ashlands biome.


  • Produced by grilling Volture Meat on an Iron Cooking Station over an open fire
  • It takes 60 seconds for Volture Meat to cook
  • If left roasting for too long, it will turn into Coal

Voltures are highly annoying enemies you’ll encounter in the Ashlands. These birds will fly away when engaged directly and will attempt to flank you when possible. It’s also borderline impossible to run away from them. Your best bet is to either use ranged weapons against them, or try to parry their attack with a shield before unloading on them. When you do defeat them, Voltures always drop a piece of Volture Meat.

Take Volture Meat to an Iron Cooking Station (Iron x3, Chain x3) set up over an open fire and put it there. After 60 seconds, it will turn into Cooked Volture Meat. Just make sure you’re not leaving it over the fire for too long, or you’ll just get a lump of Coal.

valheim volture hunt sample
Voltures circling above you in the Ashlands


  • Food

Cooked Volture Meat is about as basic food as you can get in the Ashlands. When eaten, it increases your health by 70, stamina by 24, and health regeneration by 6 hp/tick for 20 minutes. This buff can be combined with up to two other food types, but you can’t eat more than one Cooked Volture Meat at a time.

The buff you get from eating Cooked Volture Meat will start out strong but will fade over time. When 50% of its duration passes, which means 10 minutes, the buff icon will begin to flash and you’ll be able to eat another Cooked Volture meat to refresh the effects.

Helpful Tips

  • As Voltures are birds and fast too, it’s advisable to have a ranged weapon ready when hunting them.
  • Throughout the Ashlands you’ll find numerous Volture nests that look like a pile of bones. These nests tend to always have a few Voltures around.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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