Cooked Lox Meat

Food – Iron Cooking Station

A great hunk of tender meat, food fit for Valhalla!

Uses: Food
• Health: +50
• Stamina: +16
• Healing: +4hp/tick
Effects Duration: 20 minutes
• Lox Meat
Source: Lox
Weight: 2.0    Stack: 20
ItemID: CookedLoxMeat

valheim cooked lox meat loxmeat cooked

Cooked Lox Meat is a Plains-tier food that will increase your health by 50, stamina by 16, and health regeneration by 4 hp/tick. You’ll be roasting Lox Meat on an Iron Cooking Station to craft it.


  • You get Cooked Lox Meat by roasting raw Lox Meat on an Iron Cooking Station over an open fire
  • It takes 60 seconds for Cooked Lox Meat to roast
  • Leaving it on the fire for too long will ruin the meat and produce Coal

Lox are great beasts roaming the Plains biome. They tend to move in herds, but despite their herbivore nature, they will attack you if you get too close. If you want to hunt Lox, ranged weapons are recommended. Should you fight them at close range, their powerful but slow attacks are best avoided by dodging and not blocking. Defeating a wild Lox will provide you with some Lox Meat and other resources. You can also tame the creature and even ride it as a mount.

Throw the Lox Meat on an Iron Cooking Station (Iron x3, Chain x3) that’s standing over an open fire and wait 60 seconds. Afterward, you’ll be able to pick up your Cooked Lox Meat. But be mindful that if you leave the meat on too long, it will eventually turn into Coal.

valheim lox hunt sample
Majestic Lox grazing on the Plains


  • Food


When you eat Cooked Lox Meat, your health will increase by 50, stamina by 16, and health regeneration by 4 hp/tick. In order to eat it, all you have to do is right click the meat in your inventory. You can combine it together with up to two other foods, but you can’t eat more than one Cooked Lox Meat at once.

You will gain the full benefits of eating Cooked Lox Meat right away, but they’ll grow weaker with time. When there’s just 50% left in its duration, or 10 minutes, the buff icon will begin flashing, telling you that you can now eat another Cooked Lox Meat and refresh the effects.

Helpful Tips

  • Lox are powerful but slow. It’s easy to dodge their attacks, but if you block them, there’s a good chance they’ll break your stance
  • While cooking Lox Meat is a decent strategy during your early days of Plains exploration, eventually you’ll have access to better recipes that utilize that meat
  • Overcooking Lox Meat produces Coal, so while it’s very wasteful, you still get a useful resource out of that process
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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