Cooked Fish

Food – Cooking Station

A tasty side of smoked fish.

Uses: Food, Ingredient
• Health: +45
• Stamina: +15
• Healing: +2hp/tick
Effects Duration: 20 minutes
• Raw Fish
Source: Any Fish
Weight: 0.5    Stack: 20
ItemID: FishCooked

valheim cooked fish fish cooked

If you don’t know what to do with the fish you catch in Valheim, you can always turn it into Cooked Fish.


  • You can cook any fish you find in the game.
  • While you don’t need a Fishing Rod to grab the occasional shored fish, you will still need to process it at a Food Preparation Table – a Swamp-tier station.
  • If you leave the fish cooking for too long, it will turn into Coal.

Cooked Fish is an odd recipe. Despite technically being just fish cooked over an open fire at a Cooking Station (Wood x2), in order to prepare your catch for cooking, you will need to process it at a Food Preparation Table (Iron x5, Finewood x20, Leather Scraps x15). Since you need Iron to build it, you won’t be able to start cooking fish until after you’ve explored the Swamp biome. And while you can occasionally grab a fish off the shore, to get a reasonable amount of it, you will need a Fishing Rod (Coin x350) and bait sold by Haldor, an NPC trader found in the Black Forest.

Once you have some fish, that you either catch or grab on the shore, take it to a Food Preparation Table where you turn the fish you’ve caught into Raw Fish. Place that Raw Fish on a Cooking Station and after 25 seconds, you’ll get your Cooked Fish. Just keep in mind that if you leave it there for too long, it will turn into Coal.


  • Food
  • Ingredient for food and Feast


Consuming a Cooked Fish will raise your health by 45, stamina by 15, and health regeneration by 2 hp/tick. To eat a Cooked Fish you can go into your inventory screen and simply right-click it there. You can eat it together with two other food sources, but you can’t eat more than one Cooked Fish at a time.

Eating a Cooked Fish provides you with a buff that grants you the listed benefits, but gets weaker with time. Once it’s 50% done, with 10 minutes left to go in its duration, the buff icon will begin flashing and you’ll be able to eat another Cooked Fish and refresh the effects.


While Cooked Fish is a nice-enough food, it can also be used in a more advanced recipe, plus one of the game’s long-lasting Feasts. The Recipes section below has some additional details.


This is what you can do with your Cooked Fish on top of simply eating it.

Fish Wraps
Cooked Fish x2
Barley Flour x4
Max Health +70
Max Stamina +23
Regeneration +4hp
for 25 minutes
Sailor’s Bounty
Cooked Fish x5
Thistle x4
Cooked Serpent Meat x2
Seafarer’s Herbs
Max Health +45
Max Stamina +45
Regeneration +3hp
for 50 minutes

Helpful Tips

  • A lot of the rarer fish types in the game require some special bait, but they don’t offer any additional bonuses when cooked, so you might as well use the basic bait in the Meadows for your Cooked Fish.
  • Due to tidal forces, you will occasionally find fish washed up ashore. You can then simply pick it up without using your rod.
  • In a pinch, you can turn Raw Fish into Coal without using a Charcoal Kiln. Simply leave it cooking for too long.
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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