Cooked Chicken Meat

Food – Cooking Station

It tastes like chicken.

Uses: Food
• Health: +60
• Stamina: +20
• Healing: +5hp/tick
Effects Duration: 20 minutes
• Chicken Meat
Source: Hen, Chicken
Weight: 1.0    Stack: 20
ItemID: CookedChickenMeat

valheim cooked chicken meat chicken meat cooked

Cooked Chicken Meat is a Plains-tier food that increases your health by 60, stamina by 20, and health regeneration by 5 hp/tick. You produce it on a Cooking Station by roasting Chicken Meat.


  • To get Cooked Chicken Meat, you’ll need to roast some Chicken Meat on a Cooking Station over an open fire
  • You can start obtaining Chicken Meat after you’ve defeated Yagluth, the boss of the Plains biome
  • It takes 25 seconds for Cooked Chicken Meat to cook
  • If left on the fire for too long, Chicken Meat will turn into Coal instead

It’s easy to miss that Eggs, Chickens, and Hens even exist in the game. To get access to them, you will first need to defeat Yagluth, the Plains biome boss. Afterward, you will need to head over to Haldor, the Black Forest trader, who will now be selling Eggs for 1500 Coins each. To start your Chicken farm, you will want to buy at least two of them.

When your Eggs have hatched and your Chickens have grown into Hens, you’ll be able to butcher them using the Butcher Knife and get your hands on some Chicken Meat. Throwing it on a Cooking Station for 25 seconds will produce Cooked Chicken Meat. And should you leave it there for too long, it will later become Coal.

valheim chicken coop sample
A primitive coop for your chickens

Once you’ve defeated Yagluth in the Plains, you should go to Haldor, the NPC trader from the Black Forest. He’ll be selling Eggs for 1500 Coins each. Get at least two and go back to your base.

You will want to hatch your Eggs first. To do so, place them near a fire source. The whole process can be a bit fiddly. First of all, you want your Eggs to not be in a stack. If you need to split a stack of Eggs, you can shift-click on it. Then, drop your Eggs on the ground. The have the tendency to not go exactly where you want them too, so you may have to repeat the process a few times. You’ll know the Egg is in an appropriate spot when you hover your cursor over it and it says Warm. If it instead says Too Cold, you’ll need to pick the Egg up and place it closer to the fire.

After 30 minutes of warmth, an Egg will hatch and you’ll have your first Chickens. Chickens can drop Feathers and Chicken Meat but with a low chance, so instead of harvesting them, you’ll want to feed them some seeds, Dandelions, or Barley. And after 50 minutes, they will grow into Hens. When fed in a similar way to Chickens, Hens can lay Eggs whenever two of them are close together, enabling your Chicken farm.

When butchered, Hens are guaranteed to drop Chicken Meat. But you’ll need a Butcher Knife (Wood x2, Tin x4) for that. If this seems like too much work, you can also automate the process by creating an AFK Egg farm.


  • Food


When you eat an instance of Cooked Chicken Meat, your health will increase by 60, stamina by 20, and health regeneration by 5 hp/tick. Eating Cooked Chicken Meat is as simple as going into your inventory and right-clicking on the Cooked Chicken Meat icon. You can combine it with two other food sources, but you can’t eat more than a single Cooked Chicken Meat at a time.

The buff provided by Cooked Chicken meat will start out strong but will grow weaker over time. When there’s 50% left in its duration, or 10 minutes, the buff icon will start flashing and you’ll be able to eat another Cooked Chicken Meat to refresh the buff.

Helpful Tips

  • Cooked Chicken Meat is a great way to prepare your character for the challenges of the Mistlands biome without actually venturing there
  • Hens and Chickens can eat most Seeds, Dandelions, and Barley. This means Barley specifically and not Barley Flour
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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