Cloudberries are a basic Plains-tier food that will increase your health by 13, stamina by 40, and health regeneration by 1 hp/tick for 15 minutes. They’re used in a number of advanced recipes and are the most common and easy to obtain food item you can find while exploring the Plains biome.
Cloudberries can be found growing on bushes in the Plains biome
Gathered Cloudberries respawn after 300 minutes
Whenever you’re not running away from Deathsquitos and can afford to look down, you’ll notice plenty of Cloudberries all over the Plains biome. They grow on bushes as small yellowish-white berries. Once picked, it takes 300 minutes for Cloudberries to respawn. You’ll be wise to mark the particularly rich Cloudberry patches on your map and return to them from time to time.
A Cloudberry patch in the Plains
Raw Food
Ingredient in food or crafting recipes
Lox Taming
When you eat some Cloudberries, they increase your health by 13, stamina by 40, and natural healing by 1 hp/tick for 15 minutes. If you want to eat them raw, you can do it by right-clicking them in your inventory screen. Their effects can be combined with two other food types, but you can’t eat more than one instance of Cloudberries at once.
Upon eating Cloudberries, you’ll receive their full buff. This buff will gradually fade. When it’s 50% done, at 7.5 minutes left in its duration, the buff icon will start flashing, allowing you to eat more Cloudberries and refresh their effects.
Cooking & Crafting
Cloudberries can serve as a decent snack when you’re out exploring the Plains. However, they’re also an integral ingredient in several advanced meals, Meads, Feast, and base decorations. The Recipes section has the full list.
Cloudberries can be used to tame the Lox beasts roaming the Plains. Doing so will provide you with easy access to Lox Meat, Lox Pelts, and tough ridable mounts.
Taming a Lox can be a bit tricky. The large beasts will easily break through most walls and can pose quite a challenge. While there are some ways to still trap a Lox herd, they’re hard to pull off right and require a lot of preparation.
Instead, you should simply grab some Cloudberries, sneak up on a Lox herd, and scatter the berries around. Once they notice you (a yellow dot appears over them), they’ll eat the food and the taming process will start. You’ll need to feed the Lox once every 10 minutes, resulting in a total of 3 Cloudberries needed for the task. If you get too close during this and they become aggressive (a red exclamation mark appears), you should run away and let them calm down.
Once a Lox is being tamed, you need to remain within 64 meters from the beast without drawing its aggro for 30 minutes. If you drink a Brew of Animal Whispers, this time will become 15 minutes. As this is taking place, you’ll probably get attacked by the other denizens of the Plains. Drinking an Anti-Sting Concoction will protect you from the Deathsquitos.
When a Lox is tamed, you’ll be able to ride them into safety using a Lox Saddle (Leather Scraps x10, Linen Thread x20, Black Metal x15), and then start breeding them for their resources.
A Lox herd grazingThe Lox are eating your foodThe brew makes taming much easierTurn a Lox into a trusty mount
This is what you can do with Cloudberries.
Lox Meat Pie
Cloudberries x2 Lox Meat x2 Barley Flour x4
Max Health +75 Max Stamina +24 Regeneration +4hp for 30 minutes
Salad x3
Jotun Puffs x3 Onion x3 Cloudberries x3
Max Health +26 Max Stamina +80 Regeneration +3hp for 25 minutes
Placing a marker on your map allows you to note the best spots for picking Cloudberries
Cloudberry bushes take 300 minutes to respawn. This translates into slightly over two in-game weeks
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Val Hull
Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.