
Food – Raw

An orange treat.

Uses: Raw Food, Ingredient, Crafting Material, Seed Crop, Taming
• Health: +10
• Stamina: +32
• Healing: +1hp/tick
Effects Duration: 15 minutes
Source: Carrot Seeds (Black Forest)
Weight: 0.3    Stack: 50
ItemID: Carrot

valheim carrot

Carrots are a basic Black Forest-tier food that increases your health by 10, stamina by 32, and health regeneration by 1hp/tick for 15 minutes. They are, however, considerably more useful when used as an ingredient in advanced recipes.


  • Carrots are grown from Carrot Seeds (found in the Black Forest biome)
  • It takes several in-game days for Carrots to grow

First, you’ll need to venture into the Black Forest biome, where you can find some wild Carrot plants – these aren’t consumable Carrots, just their seeds. You’ll then plant these seeds using the Cultivator tool and later collect your Carrots. Make sure you save a few Carrots, as these can be planted as Seed-carrots to yield additional Carrot Seeds.

valheim carrots sample
Carrot plants in the Black Forest, which yield Carrot Seeds

When you have the Carrot Seeds, you will want to create a Carrot farm. Since Carrots can grow in the Meadows, Black Forest, and Plains biomes, you can farm them in your main Meadows base. All farming is done with the Cultivator tool (Corewood x5, Bronze x5) that you can craft once you’ve explored the Black Forest.

To create a farm, find a flat plot of land or flatten it out yourself. Then equip the Cultivator and right click with it selected on your hotbar. In the menu that appears, select Cultivate and then start left-clicking on the ground to create soil fit for planting. Once you have enough soil, right click again and select Carrots. Plant them in the cultivated soil, then wait for several in-game days. Then go back to your farm and you’ll be able to harvest your Carrots.

Carrots need plenty of room to grow, so don’t plant them close to walls or each other. If you plant a Carrot wrong, it will turn brown and if you hover over it, you’ll get a message saying that the Carrot needs more room to grow. If you do it right, you’ll get a message that your Carrot is healthy.

Once you have your first Carrots, don’t rush to eat them all. Instead, take your first harvest and again using the Cultivator, turn them into Seed-carrots. That way each Carrot can be turned into 3 Carrot Seeds, allowing you to farm Carrots indefinitely.


  • Raw Food
  • Ingredient in food or crafting recipes
  • Plant to grow Carrot Seeds
  • Boar Taming


When eaten raw, Carrots increase your health by 10, stamina by 32, and health regeneration by 1hp/tick for 15 minutes. You eat Carrots by right-clicking them in your inventory. You can combine their effects with two other sources of food, but you can’t eat multiple Carrots at once.

When you eat a Carrot, you’ll get its full effects. These will fade with time, lowering the Carrot’s health and stamina bonuses. Once a Carrot buff has been active for half of its duration, or 7.5 minutes, the Carrot icon will begin flashing and you’ll be able to eat another one.

Cooking & Crafting

The effects of Carrots are minimal compared to other food items, so once you have access to things like a Cauldron, it’s better not to waste your food buff slots on regular old Carrots. Carrots are also part of a few crafted items. See Recipes below for all the Carrot crafting applications.


As mentioned above, raw Carrots can actually be used to generate more Carrot Seeds, with 1 carrot yielding 3 Carrot Seeds. This is done with the help of the Cultivator by selecting “Seed-carrot” when planting.


If you want to tame some boars to give you easy access to Boar Meat and Leather Scraps, you can use Carrots to feed your boars.

In order to tame a boar, start by creating a pen, preferably surrounded by a Roundpole Fence, in a safe location. Find some boars nearby and when they spot you, lead them to the pen. Trap them inside by either closing the pen’s gate or placing the final piece of the fence, then move away so that the boars lose aggro (the red exclamation mark above them disappears).

The next part is a bit tricky. You need to approach the boars so that they notice you (a yellow dot appears above them), but don’t yet become aggressive. When they’re in this state, throw a Carrot inside the pen. The boars will eat the Carrot and you’ll see yellow hearts above them. This means they’re in the process of being tamed. In this state, boars can still attack you, so move away from them, but not too far. For the taming process to work, you need to be in the vicinity of the pen and the boars must not be attacking you. It takes 30 minutes to tame a boar. If done right, you’ll need a total of 3 Carrots to tame a boar. You can also use the Brew of Animal Whispers to double the taming speed.

Once tamed, you can start breeding and farming your boars, provided you have at least two of them.


As well as their nutritional value, Carrots can be used in a variety of cooking and crafting recipes.

Carrot Soup
Carrot x3
Max Health +15
Max Stamina +45
Regeneration +2hp
for 25 minutes
Minced Meat Sauce
Boar Meat
Neck Tail
Max Health +40
Max Stamina +13
Regeneration +3hp
for 25 minutes
Deer Stew
Cooked Deer Meat
Max Health +55
Max Stamina +15
Regeneration +3hp
for 25 minutes
Misthare Supreme
Hare Meat
Jotun Puffs x3
Carrot x2
Max Health +85
Max Stamina +28
Regeneration +5hp
for 25 minutes
Hearty Mountain Logger’s Stew
Wolf Skewer x2
Onion Soup x3
Carrot x4
Mountain Peak Pepper Powder
Max Health +45
Max Stamina +45
Regeneration +3hp
for 50 minutes
10-portion Feast
Onion x5
Carrot x10
Pungent Pebbles
Double taming speed for 10 minutes
Spice Rack
Dandelion x3
Carrot x2
Mushroom x5
Thistle x3
Turnip x3
Cauldron level 2 upgrade
Orange Banner
Leather Scraps x6
Finewood x2
Carrot x2
Cloudberries x3
Base decoration

Helpful Tips

  • Put a fence around your carrots while they grow, otherwise enemies may destroy them; a fence will also protect them from any boars that escape their pen
  • If you want to have a steady supply of Carrots, make sure you plant one Seed Carrot for every three regular Carrots
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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