Black Soup

Food – Cauldron level 2

A perfect balance of sweetness and acidity.

Uses: Food
• Health: +50
• Stamina: +17
• Healing: +3hp/tick
Effects Duration: 20 minutes
• Bloodbag
• Honey
• Turnip
Source: Cauldron level 2 recipe
Weight: 1.0    Stack: 10
ItemID: BlackSoup

valheim black soup blacksoup

Black Soup is a Swamp-tier food that increases your health by 50, stamina by 17, and health regeneration by 3 hp/tick for 20 minutes. You’ll need a Bloodbag, Honey, Turnip, and a level 2 Cauldron to cook it.


  • A level 2 Cauldron is required to combine a Bloodbag, a piece of Honey, and a Turnip into a bowl of Black Soup
  • You won’t need to go any further than the Swamp biome to both craft the Cauldron improvement and cook the soup

In order to start brewing Black Soup, you will need the following:

  • Bloodbags that are dropped by the Leeches living in the waters of the Swamp biome
  • Honey produced by a Queen Bee inside a beehive
  • Turnips that are grown in a similar way to Carrots from the seeds found in the Swamp

When exploring the Swamp biome, be on the lookout for yellow flowers growing there. Picking them up will grant you 3 Turnip Seeds you can then plant in the Meadows using the Cultivator tool (Corewood x5, Bronze x5) and grow them into actual Turnips. As you’re out searching for those, and it can take you a while, you’ll probably notice the Leeches lurking inside water pools. Bash them to get their Bloodbags. In the meantime, back at your base you should have a few beehives producing Honey for you.

To actually cook Black Soup, you will need a Cauldron (Tin x10) and its first upgrade that is the Spice Rack (Dandelion x3, Carrot x2, Mushroom x5, Thistle x3, Turnip x3). Turnips are again the highest-tier requirement for that, so make sure you’ve got a steady Turnip farm going if you want to cook some nice Swamp foods. Then, simply place the Spice Rack near your Cauldron and you’ll be ready to go.

When everything is set up, interact with the Cauldron itself, not the Spice Rack, and you’ll be able to cook Black Soup. You’ll need a Bloodbag, some Honey, and a Turnip to prepare a bowl.


  • Food

When combined into Black Soup, Bloodbags, Honey, and Turnips increase your health by 50, stamina by 17, and health regeneration by 3 hp/tick for 20 minutes. You can combine this soup with up to two other foods, but you can’t eat more than a single bowl of Black Soup at once.

Upon eating Black Soup, you’ll get its full effects. These will fade over time. Once 50% of the buff’s duration, or 10 minutes, pass, the buff icon will begin flashing and you’ll be able to eat another portion of Black Soup to refresh the effects.

Helpful Tips

  • Wild Turnips can be hard to spot in the Swamp, so if you can’t find them right away, just keep looking
  • When growing your own Turnips, make sure to save some to plant as Seed Turnips in order to have a self-sufficient farm
  • Leeches are very common but since they live inside pools of water can be tough to spot. Watch out for the ripples to know that a Leech is nearby
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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