Berserkir Mead


Something poisonous stirs within, brewed to the point where its potential can finally be harnessed. But be careful to let the beast out…

Effects: Weak VS Slash, Blunt, Pierce; Attack, Block, Dodge Stamina use -80%
Ingredients: Mushroom x10, Yellow Mushroom x10, Toadstool
Biome: Swamp
ItemID: MeadBzerker

valheim berserkir mead potion bzerker


Berserkir Mead is a consumable that makes attacking, blocking and dodging cost 80% less stamina for 20 seconds, but during this time you’ll be Weak to Slashing, Blunt, and Piercing damage, taking 50% more of it. The recipe calls for a lot of mushrooms of different kind. And while most of them are easy to find, you will have to buy Toadstools from the Bog Witch.

With all the mushrooms in your inventory, interact with the Mead Ketill to create Mead Base: Berserkir. Put this Mead Base into an empty Fermenter and in 2 in-game days, you will get 3 portions of Berserkir Mead. Which is half of what you get with most other Meads.

Since Berserkir Mead only lasts for 20 seconds, right-clicking it in the inventory is not very practical. Instead, you should add it to your hotbar and hit the associated button to drink it during combat.


Here’s the full list of ingredients needed for one Mead Base: Berserkir:

  • Mushroom x10
  • Yellow Mushroom x10
  • Toadstool


If you’re searching for the ingredients required to brew Berserkir Mead, here’s what you should be looking for:

  • Mushrooms grow in multiple biomes, including Meadows, Black Forest, and Swamp. You’ll find them just sitting on the ground there and recognize them by their dark red caps
  • Yellow Mushrooms grow inside the caves and dungeons of the Black Forest and Swamp Biomes. They glow in the dark, so you won’t miss them
  • The Bog Witch sells Toadstools for 85 Coins per mushroom

Helpful Tips

  • The Bog Witch sells most other Mead ingredients in stacks of 5, but she only sells Toadstools as singles. And since you only get 3 Berserkir Meads per Toadstool, this makes it quite pricey. 85 Coins will get you 3 uses of Berserkir Mead
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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