Anti-Sting Concoction


The perfect drink for a day in the Plains.

Effects: Repels Deathsquitos
Ingredients: Cloudberries x10, Grouper x3, Fragrant Bundle
Biome: Plains
ItemID: MeadBugRepellent

valheim anti sting concoction potion bugrepellent


Anti-Sting Concoction is a consumable that for 10 minutes repels Deathsquitos found in the Plains biome. When under the effect of this concoction, Deathsquitos will circle around you, but they won’t attack. You’ll need to put in some work if you want to brew it. First, you’ll need to discover the Bog Witch and purchase the Fragrant Bundle ingredient from her. And then, you’ll need to do some fishing in the Plains biome to catch some Groupers.

Once you have everything you need, you put it all in a Mead Ketill to craft a Mead Base: Anti-Sting. Then you place this Mead Base inside a free Fermenter and wait 2 in-game days. This will get you 6 doses of the Anti-Sting Concoction.

You can assign the Concoction to your hotbar, but since there’s limited room on there and it lasts for 10 minutes, you might as well just right-click it from within your inventory screen.


The full recipe to create one unit of Mead Base: Anti-Sting is:

  • Cloudberries x10
  • Grouper x3
  • Fragrant Bundle


The resources you’ll need to brew Anti-Sting Concoctions are varied, but you’ll be able to find them all once you have made some progress in the Plains biome:

  • Cloudberries are easy to find in the Plains – just look for yellowish berry bushes
  • Grouper is a kind of white-and-red fish that spawns close to the shore in the Plains biome. You will want to use the Stingy Fishing Bait (combine Fishing Bait with a Fuling trophy at a Food Preparation Table) to catch it
  • Fragrant Bundle has to be purchased from the Bog Witch trader in the Swamp. A single purchase of 5 Fragrant Bundles is priced at 140 Coins

Helpful Tips

  • Despite its name, Anti-Sting Concoction only works on Deathsquitos. It won’t protect you from other annoying bugs like the Ticks you find in the Mistlands biome
  • A single 5-stack of Fragrant Bundle from the Bog Witch will let you brew a total of 30 Anti-Sting Concoctions
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Val Hull
Val Hull

Resident role-playing RPG game expert. Knows where trolls and paladins come from. You must fight for your right to gather your party before venturing forth.

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