Gaming Reviews

icarus survival sandbox review

ICARUS Review — Mission-Driven Sandbox Survival

ICARUS, an ambitious new survival sandbox title from RocketWerkz and its game-runner Dean Hall (of DayZ fame) was released last December after 2 years of development and a marathon of 8 Beta Testing weekends, spread over 4 months. After that…

infernax splash art featured image review

Infernax Review – Demonically Delightful NEStalgia

Since Valentine’s day is a made-up, materialistic holiday, it seems a particularly appropriate day to tell you about something else you should buy that involves lots of red, hearts, and is totally made up — Infernax, from Berzerk Studio. These…

sifu review featured image

Sifu Review – Kung Fu(n) for Everyone

Full disclosure: I didn’t play Absolver. So if you’re looking for me to compare Sifu to Sloclap’s previous title, I can’t help you. What I can tell you is, I had a blast with this one. Melee combat has always…

chorus featured image resized review

Chorus Review – Gameplay and Narrative in Harmony

This review contains minor spoilers for the first act of Chorus. I’ve been trying to recapture the magic I felt playing Tie-Fighter as a kid for almost 20 years now. I played with my childhood best friend Sam in his…

date night bowling 6

Date Night Bowling Review

Developer Serenity Forge and publisher Way Down Deep have taken a new approach to dating sims with their game Date Night Bowling, by letting you do more with your date than talk. In fact, you won’t really be talking to…