Weapon Types Guide – Stranger of Paradise: FF Origin

In Stranger of Paradise, there are eight different weapon types that you can use. You start off with only three weapons in the beginning of the game, but you will quickly find the other weapon types as you progress in the story.

Each weapon features a unique gameplay style, and offers unique properties. Which weapons can be equipped will be determined by which Job is being used. When looking at a Job in the Battle Settings, the icons for the weapons characters with that Job can equip will be white. Basic Jobs will only be able to equip one weapon type, but most Advanced and Expert Jobs will be able to equip multiple types of weapons to suit your style. (We have a dedicated Jobs Guide you can check out for the full, detailed list!)

Below we will go through each weapon type, their general playstyle, and the unique properties each one has.

final fantasy origin greatsword icon

The Greatsword allows its users to boost both their offensive and defensive capabilities. Wielders of this weapon can hold playstation r1 button to charge their attack, allowing it to do extra damage. Alternatively, while charging the attack, they can begin holding playstation l1 button to change this into an enhanced Guard, which will automatically Parry attacks.

final fantasy origin greatsword

Their default Combo Ability, Raging Slash, makes the wielder jump towards the enemy and knock them back. Combo Abilities that can be learned from Jobs enhance their versatility, giving them access to a Pierce and Strike attack.

The Stat Bonus from most of Greatsword Abilities is Stamina, however, some will get a Bonus from either Agility, Strength, or Spirit. The Attack Type for most of these attacks is Slash, however, they also get access to a Pierce Combo Ability, as well as Strike.

final fantasy origins daggers icon

Dagger users focus on being swift and moving around their enemies. At any point during a combo, they are able to press a direction along with playstation r1 button to move in that direction while attacking (this will not work if you hold the direction button).

final fantasy origin daggers

Their default Combo Ability, Twin Thrust, quickly stabs the enemy. If you hold playstation r2 button, the wielder will quickly stab the enemy multiple times before finishing the move. Many of the Combo Abilities learned from Jobs that use Daggers will deal extra damage with critical hits.

The Stat Bonus from these Abilities is mostly an even split between Dexterity and Strength, but there is also one that gets a Bonus from Intellect. The Attack Type for most Combo Abilities is Pierce. However, Daggers also get one Slash Ability, and a couple more that are Strike.

final fantasy origin knuckles icon

Users of Knuckles focus on attacking the enemy quickly, and are able to hold playstation r1 button to finish combos with a stronger attack. They also gain access to the Prowess buff: if they hit enemies enough times without taking damage, they will gain a stack of the Prowess buff. This increases their attack power and enhances their charged attacks. This can stack up to two times to further improve the effects. Prowess is instantly lost when taking damage or switching Battle Sets.

final fantasy origin knuckles

Their default Combo Ability, Sonic Punch, acts as a gap-closer while dealing multiple hits. Many of the Combo Abilities learned from Jobs that use Knuckles will either knock enemies back, or launch them into the air.

The Stat Bonus from most of Knuckle Abilities is Agility, with a couple of them getting a Bonus from Stamina. The Attack Type for all Combo Abilities is Strike.

final fantasy origin sword icon

Swords may be the most versatile weapons in the game. Wielders of Swords have various abilities to help them in just about any combat situation, and they are able to act more defensive since they can equip a Shield. Sword users are able to charge their initial playstation r1 button attack for extra damage. In addition, they can press playstation button left stick right or playstation button left stick left(these cannot be held) with playstation r1 button to quickly move to either side of the enemy. They can also hold both playstation button left stick downand playstation r1 button to briefly allow them to dodge and counter an attack.

final fantasy origin sword

Their default Combo Ability, Beatdown, gives them an Earth elemental attack that knocks enemies back. The Sword Combo Abilities learned from Jobs can grant a variety of effects, such as allowing you to hold playstation r2 button to block and counter an attack, and giving you more elemental attacks.

The Stat Bonus from many of these Abilities is Strength, but there are also some that gain a Bonus from Agility or Intellect, and one from Stamina. The Attack Type from most Combo Abilities is Slash, but there is also one with Strike, and one with Pierce.

final fantasy origin mace icon

Users of Maces excel at keeping their MP up and dealing Break damage, and they are able to equip a Shield to help with defense. Normal attack with a Mace will recover more MP than normal, and wielders of the weapon are able to use a charged playstation r1 button attack to deal heavy Break damage. Unlike most charged attacks in the game, they are able able to move while charging the attack. They are also able to press (not hold) playstation button left stick downand hold playstation r1 button to block the next incoming attack with their shield, and counter.

final fantasy origin mace

Their default Combo Ability, Stormbreaker, deals Wind Damage. Almost all of the Combo Abilities learned from Jobs that use Maces will give additional elemental attacks.

The Stat Bonus from these Abilities is an even mix of Intellect and Spirit. The Attack Type for all Mace Combo Abilities is Strike.

final fantasy origin lance icon

Lance users are able to take advantage of the weapon’s long reach. Additionally, they are able to easily take advantage of any weakness to physical damage an enemy might have. At any point during a combo, Lance wielders can press a direction button along with playstation r1 button to deal different weapon Attack Types:

  • playstation button left stick up, or no direction is Pierce
  • playstation button left stick downis Strike
  • playstation button left stick left, playstation button left stick right, or holding playstation r1 button is Slash (if holding playstation r1 button, it must be the first hit of the combo)
final fantasy origin lance

Their default Combo Ability, Wild Thrust, stabs an enemy multiple times before knocking them back. Many of the Lance Combo Abilities learned from Jobs will either knock enemies back, or launch them into the air.

The Stat Bonus from these Abilities is an even mix of Agility and Strength, with one of them gaining a Bonus from Intellect. The Attack Type from most of the Combos is Pierce, but there is one that is Slash, and another couple of them that are Strike.

final fantasy origin katana icon

Users with a Katana have access to the powerful Senshin Stance they can enter by holding playstation r1 button. While in this stance, attack power of Katana wielders is greatly increased, and they are able to endlessly chain any combination of playstation r1 button and playstation r2 button inputs (as long as they have the MP to support the continued Ability use). You must stand still while in this stance, otherwise you will be taken out of it immediately.

final fantasy origin katana

Their default Combo Ability, Jinpu, lunges forward and hits all enemies in front of them. The Katana Combo Abilities learned from Jobs focus on dealing heavy damage, knocking enemies back, or launching them into the air.

The Stat Bonuses from these Abilities are all Strength, and the Attack Type dealt with all of them is Slash.

final fantasy origin axe icon

Axe users are focused on dealing powerful attacks to enemies. Every single playstation r1 button and playstation r2 button attack with Axes can be charged to become more powerful (with up to three charges). While charging, Axe wielders will not be interrupted by normal attacks. They will, however, still take damage and Break damage, and can be interrupted by certain status ailments (like Paralyze), or by getting their Break Gauge broken.

final fantasy origin axe

Their default Combo Ability, Sundering Blow, deals Earth damage while also launching enemies into the air. Axe Combo Abilities learned from Jobs focus on dealing massive damage to many foes at once, with some being able to knock back as well.

The Stat Bonus from these Abilities is Stamina, with some of them having a Bonus from Strength. The Attack Type from all Combo Abilities is Strike.


A new weapon added with the Trials of the Dragon King DLC, Staves allow the user to control the distance between themselves and the enemy. At any point during a combo, Staff wielders can press the following for extra attacks:

  • Holding playstation r1 button will unleash a mid-ranged attack.
  • Pressing playstation button left stick up + playstation r1 button executes a close-ranged thrust attack.
  • Pressing playstation button left stick down + playstation r1 buttonwill have the user slash upwards at the enemy, then jump backwards to create a gap.
final fantasy origin staff

Their default Combo Ability, Punishing Blow, strikes an enemy with a long-ranged attack. Staff Combo Abilities learned from Jobs focus on elemental and long-reaching attacks.

The Stat Bonus from these Abilities is mostly a combination of Strength and Intellect, but there are some that gain a Bonus from Agility. The Attack Type from most combos is Strike, with one being Pierce.

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I'm a huge gamer who especially loves the Final Fantasy series. I will play just about any game, especially if it has anything resembling a Dragoon.

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3 years ago

Awesome info. soooo hyped for the game
I am thinking warrior/liberator maybe but i dont know what weapon
so many to chose from
what weapon is best for warrior you think

Reply to  KainHighwind27
3 years ago

I feel like greatswords are a bit awwkard. but i like the defense
i am a boring guy i just like playing typical warrior class ahahaha
maybe i will go full bersekr with the axe ahahaha looks like liberator can be a tank and also dael big damage

my friend is thinking playing sage because he cant decide which mage to play haha he likes spells and healss
what is the best job and weapon you think
great gifs btw