Dice Legacy Rulers and How to Unlock Them

There are currently 6 Rulers available to choose from in Dice Legacy. When you first start playing the game, only one is available — the rest can be unlocked in a variety of ways. In this guide, we’ll give you all the details of each Ruler, as well as explain how to unlock them.

Unlocking new Rulers — It appears you can unlock rulers by meeting the requirement, and then retiring. We haven’t had a chance to test this on every Ruler, so please let us know if you find this isn’t true in any case.

Wager Abilities — Each ruler has a Wager Ability. To activate it, you must roll a specific combination of dice in a single roll.

stranded king circle portrait dice legacy

Starting Resources: 5 Food, 4 Wood, 2 Stone

Starting Dice: stranded king starting dice legacy

Starting Technology: None

Wager Ability: Into the blizzard – Treats all Frozen Dice in Pool. Frozen Dice lose 3 Durability. stranded king ability combination to activate dice legacy

How to Unlock: Unlocked by default

The Ruler everyone starts their first game with. Starting with 5 Peasant dice is the most straightforward, easiest way to play. His Wager Ability doesn’t come into play very often, since if you have a bunch of frozen dice, how are you going to roll the six faces you need?

the flail circle portrait dice legacy

Starting Resources: 3 Food, 4 Wood, 2 Iron

Starting Dice: flail starting dice legacy

Starting Technology: Tower – Passively provides 1 Fight dice legacy peasant dice face fight face on nearby Structures and Threats

Wager Ability: Owning our scars – Empower all Wounded Dice in Pool. the flail ability combination to activate dice legacy

How to Unlock: Completely destroy an Encampment

If you struggle to deal with enemy attacks on higher difficulties, or if you want to destroy every Encampment you come across, this is the Ruler for you. However, starting with 2 Soldier dice makes the early game harder — consider replacing at least one of these with an Ascended die. His Wager ability makes destroying the Others buildings significantly easier, and isn’t hard to proc once you’ve gotten a decent amount of Soldier/Mercenary dice.

the foul circle portrait

Starting Resources: 3 Food, 4 Wood, 2 Gold

Starting Dice: the foul starting dice legacy

Starting Technology: Market Merchants can trade resources for Gold

Wager Ability: It’s for the cause – Provides 1 Gold for each Class District Hall but lowers the Happiness of the Dice Classes controlling them. the foul ability combination to activate dice legacy

How to Unlock: Have at least 30 gold

The 2-strength Harvest faces on the Merchant dice make it less necessary to use Ascended dice with The Foul, and if you are running a Merchant heavy strategy, proccing the Wager Ability won’t be too difficult. Don’t forget to build Town Squares to keep your people happy as you tax them dry! His starting tech isn’t particularly useful, since you won’t have many good ways to spend Gold at the beginning of the game.

the mad circle portrait dice legacy

Starting Resources: 3 Food, 4 Wood, 2 Knowledge

Starting Dice: the mad starting dice legacy

Starting Technology: Enhancement Chamber – Empowers the upper face of a Die.

Wager Ability: A chance to learn – Provides 1 Knowledge for each different Negative Effect affecting Dice in your Pool. the mad ability combination to activate dice legacy

How to Unlock: Forge a Construct Die

You’ll want to make Wheat Fields ASAP or else use some Ascended dice when using The Mad, since you start with 2 Citizen dice. However, his starting technology and Resources are both great — immediately being able to gather twice the usual resources from forests and hunting grounds is incredibly powerful (assuming you use your 2 Knowledge to do so).

the incarnate circle portrait dice legacy

Starting Resources: 3 Food, 4 Wood, 2 Herbs

Starting Dice: the incarnate starting dice legacy

Starting Technology: ShrineMonk Dice can Bless a Die.

Wager Ability: Hymn to the Goddess – Immediately resolves all Threats and extinguishes all Fires. the incarnate ability combination to activate dice legacy

How to Unlock: Ascend a Die

You’ll be able to approach the Winter with a Prayer-heavy strategy when using The Incarnate. Her Wager Ability, her starting Technology, and her starting dice all seem geared toward the Scenarios that involve tougher Winters and/or Summers.

the corrupted circle portrait dice legacy

Starting Resources: 4 Food, 4 Wood

Starting Dice: the corrupted starting dice legacy

Starting Technology: None

Wager Ability: The secret we share – Immediately reunites the Council. the corrupted ability combination to activate dice legacy

How to Unlock: Fulfil the Prophecy (win a run).

One of the two Study faces on the Citizen dice The Corrupted starts with are, naturally, Corrupted. However, being able to call the Council more often and get more Policies can be incredibly strong; if you build your strategy around constantly proccing this Wager Ability, you can more than make up for the difficult start this Ruler has.

We hope this guide on Dice Legacy’s Rulers was helpful! Drop us a line in the comment section below if you have any questions or suggestions.

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Unabashed FromSoftware fanboy still learning to take his time with games (and everything else, really). The time he doesn't spend on games is spent on music, books, or occasionally going outside.

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