Gaming News

Skyrim Movie Poster

Is A Skyrim Movie In The Works?

Personally, I think it’s only a matter of time before Hollywood makes a full feature movie based on the Skyrim video game. I wouldn’t be surprised at all if Bethesda was already having preliminary discussions with Twentieth Century Fox or…

Skyrim Magic Items

Tips On Naming Magic Items in Skyrim

Besides dungeon diving and fighting dragons, one of my favorite things to do in Skyrim is enchanting magic items. Don’t get me wrong — it’s really cool to loot a treasure chest and find a magic sword during the course…

Skyrim Map App

Best Skyrim Map App for Apple iPad

First off, I’d like to apologize to anyone who doesn’t have an Apple iPhone and iPad — I fully realize that there are several kick-butt Android phones and tablets on the market, and the intention of this post isn’t to…

Arcane Legends Bottle of Nordr e1475674082593

Arcane Legends New Icy Expansion

The next, in what is quickly becoming a very long line of expansions to the increasingly popular mobile MMO Arcane Legends is soon to be released. Spacetime Studios have given us so much extra content in previous expansions, from dragon…

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Combat is Awesome

Fighting in an MMO is one of those things that can either be really fun, or mind numbingly boring. MMO combat systems in the past have been about the action bar, or playing “Whack-A-Mole” healing. It is only recently we…

Elder Scrolls Online – Character Creation

Character creation, it’s one of those areas of a RPG game that people believe it is focused mainly for Role-players. I recently wrote an article talking about how we as MMO Gamers put part of ourselves into the games we…

Live Stream: The Elder Scrolls Online at PAX East

Our ESO Media Expert Garbrac embarked on the journey from Canada this past Thursday to attend PAX East in search for the latest news and updates on The Elder Scrolls Online. Join him and Altair as they discuss their findings.…

The Elder Scrolls Online at PAX Overview: Day Two

With PAX coming to an end we’ve gathered the latest information on The Elder Scrolls Online from Garbrac and Altair’s live stream last night to answer your ESO questions. This overview covers a wide range of topics from Spears and…