

Grabrac is an Elder Scrolls Online media expert and professional writer. He is well known and respected in the Elder Scrolls community and his work is featured on

The Elder Scrolls Online’s Combat is Awesome

Fighting in an MMO is one of those things that can either be really fun, or mind numbingly boring. MMO combat systems in the past have been about the action bar, or playing “Whack-A-Mole” healing. It is only recently we…

Elder Scrolls Online – Character Creation

Character creation, it’s one of those areas of a RPG game that people believe it is focused mainly for Role-players. I recently wrote an article talking about how we as MMO Gamers put part of ourselves into the games we…

MMO Gaming: It’s Just a Game?

“It’s just a game…” If you have ever played an MMO, RPG, MUD, or any game that takes time to complete, you’ve probably had this said to you. And it might have made you feel a little bit smaller. You…

Elder Scrolls Online Hands

Elder Scrolls Online Hands – Look Ma’ I Have Hands

Last week Elder Scrolls Online held a small press event for gaming journalist from around the world, where they allowed them to get a sneak peek of the game and ask the developers questions, prior to PAX. During this event…

Elder Scrolls Uncovered – Ep.12 – Discussing Immersion

Join Glandict, Altair, Guilo, RapiD, Garbrac, as they discuss the topic of Immersion. Becoming immersed in the world is what will keep you playing. Nothing is more satisfying than sitting back with a cold stein of mead and discussing the…

Elder Scrolls Online Beta – Being a Tester

You’ve been waiting months or maybe years to play The Elder Scrolls Online. You’ve been keeping up with all the hype reading all the articles, following the developer’s social media posts. You check your email daily, sometimes hourly waiting for…