Gaming Reviews

Adventure Capitalist Logo

Adventure Capitalist Mobile Game Review

Adventure Capitalist. Ah, If only making real life money is that easy. Well, not for everybody of course, just for me otherwise inflation will be insane. Sorry, you’re probably wondering what I’m talking about. Well, it’s a game I stumbled…

Batman Arkham Origins Game Case PC e1475749101835

Batman Arkham Origins Review

Right, I know that this review is a little late, seeing that Batman Arkham Origins was released in the UK during October 2013. However, after spotting this beauty in a Steam sale for around £3.70, I couldn’t resist. I snapped…

Through the Woods Logo

Through the Woods Review

I mentioned in this post, about Through the Woods, a survival horror game based in the dark and eerie forests off the coasts of Norway, that I haven’t played any survival horror games for a while. Well, now I’ve got…

Windward, a different type of MMO

Windward is certainly different as far as MMO’s go. In a land where 90% of the MMO’s are filled with orcs, goblins, humans, fireballs and trolls, it’s a refreshing change to play something that doesn’t have any of those things…

Hand of Fate logo

Hand of Fate Review

I’ve mentioned Hand of Fate, the game that takes a card game and a traditional rpg and squashes them together, a couple of times before right here on Zombiechimp and now I’ve got my hands on a copy. The premise…

Top 7 Things I like about Sims 4

Sims 4 was released last Friday (5th September) and as all Sims-addicts probably have done across the country, any other game hasn’t even had a look in, as I’ve been managing the lives of an artist and her family. I’m…

Movie Hangman Game Review

Slinky Productions have taken the classic game of Hangman, locked it in a room with a film collection, a bottle of wine, and some oysters and just left it to do what comes naturally. The spawn of this bizarrely romantic…

Dungeon keeper Logo

Dungeon Keeper iOS Review

I have played many games over the years, but there are very few that I keep going back to play over and over. Dungeon Keeper released all the way back in 1997 by the now defunct Bullfrog games is definitely…