Gaming News

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Last Encounter to be Released on all Consoles

Twin stick shooter Last Encounter is making its way to consoles this year! Last Encounter is a top-down down twin-stick shooter that will challenge the player in solo or co-op. To conquer an alien threat, players must customize their weapons…

Dark Souls Box Set

Dark Souls Remastered

Bandai Namco and From Software’s original Dark Souls game will be heading our way. Not just on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4. But Bandai Namco announced earlier today during a Nintendo Direct presentation that Dark Souls: Remastered will…

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Nintendo drops January Direct

  After months of speculation and rumours, Nintendo finally-and suddenly-dropped their January Direct Mini on YouTube and their own site. Poised as a teaser for what’s to come in 2018, here’s everything that was announced in the short video:  …

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Platinum Games Plans To Create A Brand New IP

Platinum Games is becoming one of the top developers of the current generation. Releasing excellent games like Metal Gear Rising, Bayonetta, and the recent Nier: Automata. The latest announcement of Bayonetta 3 is giving plenty of reasons for Nintendo fans…

PlayStation Experience 2017 Logo

PlayStation Experience 2017 Review

PlayStation Presents Sony Computer Interactive Entertainment was quick to downplay expectations of major announcements taking place in the build-up to PlayStation Experience 2017, but what did PlayStation Experience 2017 provide in terms of surprises and entertainment? Firewall: Zero Hour ROM…

steam awards

Steam Awards 2017 Winners Announced

That time of year has come and gone. While others start preparing for the Oscars, us gamers are reflecting on what happened during the Steam Awards. Although, this year, I missed a few of the categories the winners are now…


11 Game Releases For 2018 To Be Excited About

Happy new year one and all! And what an exciting year it is looking to be. At the end of 2017 I discussed some of the best games that came out. Now, we’re looking forward to see what the new…