Gaming Guides

ffx how to obtain masamune 6

Final Fantasy X: Auron Celestial Weapon – Masamune

Auron’s Celestial Weapon is the Masamune. Obtaining and upgrading the sword will require some exploration and doing some of the Monster Arena sidequest. Fully upgrading the Masamune grants the passive effects Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, First Strike, and Counter-Attack,…

ffx hd 01555 macalania woods celestial weapon onion knight

Final Fantasy X: Lulu Celestial Weapon – Onion Knight

Lulu’s Celestial Weapon is the Onion Knight. Obtaining and upgrading the weapon requires some exploring and lightning dodging, and is considered one of the hardest weapons in the game to fully realize. Fully upgrading the Onion Knight grants you the…

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How Ascending Dice Works – Dice Legacy

One of the main ways Dice Legacy is a roguelike (or rollguelike, if you prefer) is in its Ascended Dice system. In this guide, we’ll go over how Ascended dice work, and how you can create them. Using Ascended Dice…

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Stealthy Survivor Build – Dead by Daylight

Are you sick of the Killer finding you and hooking you? Do you hate looping? Wish your teammates flamed you more in the post-game chat? Well guess what: Killers and your fellow Survivors can’t stand this one weird trick: sneaking!…

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Dice Legacy Scenarios

Making your way to the end of the ring world can be a challenge, and many players out there are still struggling to take down those pesky Others for the first time. With those players in mind, we’ve created this…

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Dice Legacy Rulers and How to Unlock Them

There are currently 6 Rulers available to choose from in Dice Legacy. When you first start playing the game, only one is available — the rest can be unlocked in a variety of ways. In this guide, we’ll give you…

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Dice Management – Dice Legacy Basics

There’s quite a bit to know about how the dice function in Dice Legacy, and not all of it is explicitly stated anywhere in the menu or tutorial. We’ve collected all the little details we think you might need in…

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Dice Legacy Beginner’s Guide

Dice Legacy is one of those games that seems simple at first, but can quickly become overwhelming. In this guide, we’ll give you step-by-step instructions to guide you safely through your first Winter on the ringworld! Buildings and Placement Before…

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How to Get More Dice – Dice Legacy

Maybe you skipped the tutorial, or maybe you’re just idly thinking about Dice Legacy while you’re supposed to be working. Whatever your reason for coming here, this guide will show you how to create more dice in Dice Legacy. If…