Going Medieval Patch Notes: Bug Fixes, Pathfinding

The Going Medieval team has released patch, this patch has multiple bug fixes to prevent game crashes, animals spawn rate rebalance, and minor pathfinding optimization.

This was posted on their Steam page and can be read below:

Patch is here! At the moment we’re focused on fixing crashes with a couple of bugs and issues fixes here and there too, but don’t worry – we’re simultaneously working on feature updates. Those will have to wait a bit, until we make sure that most of you are experiencing Going Medieval crash-free.

  • Fixed crash caused by quitting to the main menu if the settler’s health starts depleting
  • Fixed crash caused by quitting to the main menu while the warning messages are appearing
  • Fixed crash that occurred when one of the production buildings would get destroyed and the player quickly tried to quit the game. Alternatively, the same thing would happen if the player managed to select that building somehow, once it was destroyed
  • Fixed bug that made doors appear “Open” regardless of the state that the player chooses. It should happen way less or not at all
  • Fixed bug that prevented roof from being destroyed if that roof was supported by the ground
  • Fixed issue that prevented room detection from working as intended in some cases – when a player would build one room above the other and try to patch a 1×1 hole in one room’s ceiling (the other’s floor), the room would not be divided into two rooms.
  • Fixed issue that caused beams to (sometimes) be placed 90 degrees from where they were originally supposed to be
  • Fixed issue that caused the Research panel to not react to the mouse scroll wheel
  • Animals spawn rate received additional rebalance
  • Minor pathfinding optimization have been implemented
  • Various other crash fixes
  • Fixed issue with not being able to click on the menu and game freezing


Foxy Voxel (Source)

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If I'm not working or spending time with the family I'm probably gaming. Some of my favorite recent games I've played are Far Cry 5, World of Warcraft Classic, and 7 Days to Die.

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