The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt Walkthrough

Welcome to EIP Gaming’s Witcher 3: Wild Hunt main story walkthrough, it has been broken down into each of the main quests so that it may be easier to navigate and reduce the amount of clutter you may see. 

The Witcher 3 is an amazing game that may take you hundreds of hours to complete, I know it took me quite a while to finish without a guide to follow. Hopefully, you will fall in love with this game the same way I and others have. 

If you’re looking for information that may not be contained within this guide, please head over to the main guide page where you’ll find more detailed pages regarding your query. Below you will find a list of the quests in the recommended order to complete them. 


This guide will only refer to main story quests, for side quests, contracts, treasure hunts and expansion quests head over to the Witcher 3 guide section. We also have in-depth guides for all your crafting needs as well. 

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My earliest memories of gaming started at an early age, playing my Atari 2600 so much in one sitting that it caught fire. Gaming has been my passion since that fateful day and will continue to be a driving force in my life. There aren't many types of games that I won't play, except for the TMNT NES. I still have PTSD from that water level as a child.

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