Gaming Reviews

Mercenary Ops Game Modes Revealed

You may remember a few days ago, I mentioned a new first person shooter called Mercenary Ops that is to be launched this summer, over here. Well I’ve got hold of a bit more info about the Co-Operative and Competitive…

Dungeon Blitz Character Creation

Dungeon Blitz: MMO Game Review

I was asked to let you all know that Blue Mammoth have released a browser-based MMO called Dungeon Blitz. This post here, in fact, but it would be rather amiss of me if I didn’t play it and let you…

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Mass Effect 3 Demo Released

Mass Effect 3 will be hitting the shelves in a couple of weeks. Bioware’s epic space saga will end, bringing the story of Commander’s Shepard to a close. Will Shepard save the universe, or die trying? We’ll all have to…

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Dungeon Overlord – Facebook Game Review

I was asked to review Dungeon Overlord, a Facebook game seemingly made in the style of the classic Bullfrog PC game Dungeon Keeper. The purpose of Dungeon Overlord is to build a powerful dungeon; you entice the monsters to your…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic beta test weekend 2

Last weekend was the second and sadly the last Beta-test weekend for Star Wars: The Old Republic, and this time my playing experience was a lot more positive than the last time. If you’ve read my review of the 1st…

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Star Wars: The Old Republic beta weekend review

Over the weekend I took part in the Beta Weekend for Bioware’s Star Wars MMO called ‘Star Wars: The Old Republic’. It’s something that I have looked forward to for a while now and I was very keen to jump…

Skyrim, an Elder Scrolls V Review

On Friday 11th November,Bethesda released Elder Scrolls V and like I knew I would, I spent my entire weekend exploring Skyrim and seeing what the new world had to offer, and it’s a lot. I’ve been waiting for this game…

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Final Fantasy X Rated

I’ve not been feeling great these past two days. I know, I can just feel the pity. While I may not have been well enough to go to work, I was more than well enough to spend about 15-20 hours…

Bioshock 2 Review – Bioshockingly good!

A Bioshock 2 review? Now? A bit late isn’t it? Maybe. It’s good to know that when the money’s not flowing as readily as you’d like there are still plenty of places where you can get games for next to…