Gaming Reviews

thymesia splash art featured image review

Thymesia Review – Standing Out in a Crow-ded Genre

When Thymesia’s initial trailer dropped many immediately pegged it as a Bloodborne clone; their interest in the game was therefore based on whether or not more Bloodborne was something they wanted. I too assumed it was yet another AA soulsborne…

stray review featured image

Stray Review – An Impawsibly Immersive Adventure

I’ve said it before, and I’ll keep saying it for as long as it’s true – thank goodness for indie developers. In a gaming landscape that’s starting to look more and more like Hollywood, where lifeless sequels and trend-following $60…

loot river featured image review

Loot River Review – An Innovative but Flawed Roguelike

When I saw the initial Loot River announcement trailer, it felt like someone had looked at my most-played genres on Steam and created a game by mixing them together. Soulsborne style combat? Check. Dark fantasy world? Check. Pixel-graphics, procedurally generated…

road 96 key art

Road 96 Review

With Road 96, Digixart set out to create a procedural road trip game, in which you can have an unpredictable journey, while also making choices along the way that will influence the larger story. The result is a game that,…

young souls key art featured image

Young Souls Review – Two Teammates Talk Tough Twins

It seems like every new game that comes out requires more hyphenated descriptors than the last one. Today’s impressively long list of adjectives comes courtesy of Young Souls, a co-op side-scrolling beat-em-up dungeon-crawler RPG developed by 1P2P and published by…