Gaming Reviews

cool homing blue missles everspace 2 review

Everspace 2 Review – A Space Action Triumph

My feelings on Everspace 2 crystalized for me about three or four hours into the game. It was somewhere in the Ceto system — the game’s opening sector — and I was fast traveling in supralight to a main story…

road 96 mile 0 review featured image

Road 96: Mile 0 Review – A Roadblock I’m Glad Exists

Road 96: Mile 0 is a narrative-focused prequel to Road 96. Taking a radically different direction than the original game, which saw you hitchhiking across the procedurally-generated landscape of Petria in order to reach the border in hopes of escaping,…

terra nil starting a fire review

Terra Nil Review – Good Green Fun

Following current ecological developments can be pretty depressing. The garbage patch in the Pacific, disappearing pollinators, the huge blob of seaweed approaching the coast of Florida — it’s looking rough for the flora and fauna on planet Earth, and it’s…

the last spell header

The Last Spell Review

Developed by Ishtar Games, The Last Spell is positioned as a tactical RPG with roguelite elements where you’ll be alternating between leading a team of plucky heroes into battle against relentless hordes of monsters, and ensuring that your monster-free Havens…

Pillars of the Earth

Ken Follett’s The Pillars of the Earth Switch Review

Books and video games are two very different storytelling mediums. With Pillars of the Earth, Daedalic Entertainment have set out to adapt Ken Follett’s epic historical novel into a point-and-click adventure. The result winds up feeling a bit more like…

An image of an Egyptian city built in Pharaoh: A New Era

Pharaoh: A New Era Review

I have a love-hate relationship with older strategy games. I love the creativity that goes into making a game work with so few resources available to the developers. With a few frames of animation, a handful of static images, and…