Gaming News

survivor activity hud dbd dev update jan 2023

Dead by Daylight Mid-Chapter Update Patch 6.5.0 Live Now

January’s Developer Update promised a fairly long list of Dead by Daylight updates, and they’ve arrived today in the form of Patch 6.5.0. Many of the changes are Quality of Life improvements, including Survivor Activity being displayed on the Survivor…

featured image hogwarts legacy mission types revealed

Hogwarts Legacy Mission Types Revealed in New Leaks

In the latest in a series of art book leaks, we’ve received some new info about what kind of structure the missions will take in Hogwarts Legacy. Specifically, we learned what the various mission types will be in the game,…

featured image tchia preview

Tchia Preview – Wonder from New Caledonia

I need to start by saying something very important: go put Tchia on your wishlist right now. You don’t even need to read this, just do it, before you forget, then come back and let me tell you why. Done?…

hogwarts legacy cinematic trailer featured image

Hogwarts Legacy Cinematic Trailer Breakdown

The cinematic trailer for Hogwarts Legacy was released today on the Hogwarts Legacy YouTube channel, featuring an owl flying through a wide variety of places and events in order to deliver a note to a character, presumably the player characters.…

leatherface is not leaving dbd featured image news post

Leatherface Is Not Leaving Dead by Daylight

A couple of weeks back, we reported on what we thought was a reliable leak that claimed The Cannibal (AKA Leatherface) would become unavailable for purchase in Dead by Daylight, à la the Stranger Things characters. Well, for better or…