Gaming News

algo bot header

Algo Bot: A New Puzzle Game By Fishing Cactus

From the makers of Epistory – Typing Chronicles, comes a brand new adventure. Algo Bot is a new puzzle game by Fishing Cactus based around programming a little robot. Anyone who has played their previous game will know that Fishing…

Aperion Cyberstorm Header Image

Aperion Cyberstorm Twin-Stick Shooter Release Trailer

Aperion Cyberstorm a twin-stick shooter developed by Bristol based indie developers APriori Digital has been in development for over four years. All that development time, but it’s now being released and will launch simultaneously on Steam, the Nintendo Switch and…

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Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition Announced

Mercenary Kings: Reloaded Edition has been announced for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, Nintendo Switch, PC and PS Vita. The enhanced version of 2014’s Mercenary Kings launches February 6th with new content, a massive rebalance and a number of improvements and…

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The God of War Returning April 2018

Man, it is an exciting week to behold today. Today we now have the official release date of the new God of War! Here is a “something” for us to drool over. What a great trailer! As the footage shows,…

Video Gaming as a New Parent

Video Gaming as a New Parent

At some point for a great many of you, if not already, you’ll start the tiring and incredibly expensive journey of being a new parent. A time when all thoughts, time, energy and money are devoted towards a small, incomprehensible,…