Gaming Guides

how to get more than 12 dice featured image dice legacy guide

How to Get More Than 12 Dice – Dice Legacy

Everything that you can do in Dice Legacy, you do with dice. But getting as many dice as possible out in your fields, mines, and workshops isn’t always simple. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how to go…

ffx hd 01551 macalania woods celestial weapon nirvana

Final Fantasy X: Yuna Celestial Weapon – Nirvana

Yuna’s Celestial Weapon is the Nirvana. Obtaining and upgrading her weapon requires getting all of her Aeons and a little bit of monster capturing. Fully upgrading it gives you the passive effects Break Damage Limit, Triple Overdrive, Double AP, and…

fallout 4 settlement happiness

Fallout 4 Settlement Happiness

If you had plans to extract efficient labor from your unsuspecting settlers by spreading anxiety, fear, and all other wonderful ways of negative motivation, I am afraid I have bad news: If a settlement reaches 0 happiness, you will eventually…

featured image how to unfreeze dice legacy

How to Unfreeze Dice – Dice Legacy

Dice Legacy is all about your dice, and so keeping your dice healthy (as weird as that sounds) is a crucial aspect of the game. One of the ways in which your dice can become incapacitated is by freezing during…

fallout 4 settlement defense

Fallout 4 Settlement Defense

You’ve built yourself a beautiful new settlement! All seems well until a band of raiders show up to ruin your day because you decided to shower them with flowers instead of bullets! In the words of late Sci-Fi author Robert…

ff10 celestial weapons best weapon 1

Final Fantasy X: Celestial Weapons

Celestial Weapons act as the ultimate weapons in Final Fantasy X. Each character has their own unique weapon. Acquiring them and getting all of them to full power will require exploring many parts of Spira and completing many of FFX’s…

how the obsession mechanic works featured image

How the Obsession Works – Dead by Daylight

Most of Dead by Daylight’s mechanics are fairly straightforward, but one aspect of the game that is not easy to understand is the Obsession mechanic. In this guide, we’ll take a look at how a Survivor can become the Obsession,…