Gaming Guides

hearts of iron 4 best plane design featured image

Hearts of Iron IV Best Plane Designs

Dominating the air is vital to winning the war on land in Hearts of Iron IV. Air superiority and close air support provide numerous direct benefits to troops on the ground, while strategic bombers can cripple enemy industry. By Blood…

A preview of the image designer in Hearts of Iron IV.

Best Division Templates for Hearts of Iron IV

With limitless possibilities to designing your divisions in Hearts of Iron IV, it is easy to be overwhelmed when you open the division designer. Luckily, I’m here to walk you through the most optimal division templates in the game, discussing…

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Steel Watch Foundry – Baldur’s Gate 3

The centerpiece of Gortash’s control, the Steel Watch Foundry is where Gortash produces the Steel Watchers that you can find throughout Act 3. What’s more, the creation of these watchers is only done with the labor of enslaved Gondians, who…

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Iron Throne – Baldur’s Gate 3

Reachable only by a submersible found below Flymm Cargo, the Iron Throne is an underwater prison. Primarily a means to control the Gondians working in the Steel Watch Foundry, the Iron Throne can also contain Duke Ravenguard and Omeluum. But,…

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Counting House – Baldur’s Gate 3

If you need a safe place to put your money and belongings in Baldur’s Gate… don’t choose the Counting House! If you are hunting after the elusive Stone Lord (and maybe want to rob some rich jerks while you’re at…

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City Sewers & Undercity Ruins – Baldur’s Gate 3

Underneath the great city of Baldur’s Gate (or at least, underneath it’s Lower City), you can find a large network of sewers, including the Guildhall of a certain powerful faction, thugs of various descriptions, an Undercity populated by Bhaal’s deadliest…

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Ramazith’s Tower & Sorcerous Vaults – Baldur’s Gate 3

From Sorcerous Sundries in the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate, you can go to two separate – but linked – locations: Ramazith’s Tower and the Sorcerous Vaults. These magical locations are home to many magical artifacts, as well as Lorroakan,…

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Szarr Palace & Cazador’s Dungeon – Baldur’s Gate 3

Sitting above the Lower City of Baldur’s Gate is the Szarr Palace, Astarion‘s old home. And, more pressingly, the home of his old master: Cazador. The Palace sits atop Cazador’s true lair, Cazador’s Dungeon, but in order to confront him…

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House of Hope – Baldur’s Gate 3

The House of Hope, named for its imprisoned master, is actually the primary residence of Raphael, the devil who has been trying to offer you deals since Act 1. After managing the ritual at the Devil’s Fee, you may end…